And you talk a lot about anyone who talks about The Peak.

Explain that.

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Barry, do you have some kind of envy issue going on with the_peak? 

 You sure talk about it a lot.

 Let me know if I can help.  (-:

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Good article:  10 reasons Christian heaven would actually be hell
 10 reasons Christian heaven would actually be hell
 It's not all pearly gates and streets of gold. The Bible’s version of paradise 
seems more like eternal torture

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 This is actually a well-thought-out and well-presented essay about what a Hell 
most people's idea of Heaven would be. Interestingly enough, the first of 
Valerie's reasons why this would be so are the same reasons forums such as the 
short-lived Batgap and the soon-to-be-short-lived The_Leak will fail: sameness. 
The one I like most (even better than #6, which scripturally proves that 98% of 
the population of Heaven would be embryos and toddlers) is #8, which suggests 
that Heaven will soon become so boring that "witnessing the torment of the 
damned will become one of the only joys left to them." They'll become sadistic 
voyeurs, unable to tear their eyes away from those they look down upon and feel 
superior to. Doesn't that sound similar to how The_Leak members are *already* 
acting w.r.t. FFL?  :-)

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