Well! I was always tolt I was a Virgo, but whadda I know?

      From: "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 5:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maybe this is why things get so screwed up?
     Why should we not be surprised that MJ is a Leo rising with the Sun in his 
first house!  :-D 
 That makes you fiercely independent not to mention fiery.  You would do well 
running your own business.  However we should not be surprised given your 
storytelling skills that Venus is in your 11th house.  A bit weak though and 
that would account for you not going into it as a living.  Not knowing your 
writing an astrologer would probably say you have opportunities at earning 
income through creative endeavors.
 Rahu and Ketu are debilitated so why shouldn't we be surprised that you are on 
the warpath about TM.
 On 03/03/2015 02:00 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

     OK August 29th, 1956 8:23 am born Greenwood, SC which is 34.1897° N, 
82.1547° W 
  So what does my chart indicate I would be "good at" (other than criticizing 
TM). I am asking as a pronounced skeptic.
      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 1:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maybe this is why things get so screwed up?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :
  Sal, can you post an article about a field of science you know something  
about so we can discuss it and ask you question about?  
  Eh? I thought I already had  
   What fields of science are you expert in?  Your horoscope looks like you 
might be good at real estate (loaded fourth house) but that's not  exactly a 
  Real estate, is that buying and selling houses? Not really, maybe more  than 
some due to trades I've done but it's all just about being practical, it isn't 
something that engages me or that I'd go out of my way to take part in. And I 
hate  all the bloody property shows on TV, I can't believe so many people are 
so incompetent and lacking in common sense. Still, idiots make better TV... 
  As far as scientific interests go, you know what I like. I don't posts 
prehistoric stuff just because Dinosaurs look cool. Well, mostly I don't... 
  And I don't post things that I don't understand in case someone does ask me a 
question. I post stuff because I find it interesting. 
  Are you trying to get at me about something?  
 On 03/02/2015 10:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 You certainly seem to have a high opinion of "science."  Science has given us 
many wonderful things but there are also many things it  cannot explain. 
  Can you give us an example of something it "cannot" explain, as opposed  to 
something it just doesn't have an explanation for yet? 
  Of the latter there are many but there always were and problems always  seem 
to get solved eventually. It depends how much effort is being put in. To not 
have a high opinion of the scientific  method because it hasn't already 
answered all questions is a bit silly  when you consider the track record. 
  As for things it can't explain, I don't believe we will ever come  across an 
unsolvable problem. The universe and everything in it is made of stuff. Stuff 
is understandable therefore the universe the universe is understandable. 
  It will be interesting to be proved wrong on this one. 
   However, this does not mean that those things are untrue or false. There are 
more things in heaven and earth, as Hamlet famously says  to Horatio, than are 
dreamt of in your philsophy. I suspect that you actually know this very well, 
and that your apparent adherence to  "science" is more of a pose than anything 
else. You were a spiritual seeker all  those years and now you are telling me 
you don't believe something because "science" tells you it is not so? I suspect 
your "atheism" is also  something of a pose, but that's another story. 
 Feste:As far as what science says about astrology, I couldn't care less. If 
science says astrology is rubbish,  that it cannot be true, etc. etc., that 
directly contradicts my own  experience, repeated many times over half a 
lifetime. So I go with my own experience. I would be a fool not to. 
  Turquoise: No, you would be a True  Believer, ready to prefer your own 
subjective  experience no matter what, and never even consider the possibility 
that it could have been  mistaken -- even if science shows that it could  very 
well be. I can understand that, but I cannot respect it.   
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :
  From: feste37 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
       I'mnot sure what you mean by "normal TM elitist." When I said  that the 
astrologer Howard Sasportas also happened to be a TM teacher, I certainly did 
not mean that that automatically  made him better than others. It was just a 
piece of information about him, that's all. Sometimes you read things that  
aren't there. 
  I don't think so. I wasn't referring to Sasportas as all, and in  fact 
neither his name nor any reference you made to him registered to me at 
all...I've never heard of the guy. I was  referring to a *recurring* sense of 
elitism that I have perceived in you and in *most* long-term TMers, exemplified 
in  statements like "I'm sorry for these scientific types whose  minds are so 
closed. I wonder whether any of them have  ever had their natal chart done by a 
competent astrologer. I  would doubt it." That's elitism. You *look down*  on 
those who don't agree with you. Another aspect of elitism, to an even  greater 
degree, is, "I have studied it, you have not,"  which as Salyavin pointed out 
wasn't even said by Issac Newton  about astrology. You say this a different way 
in your  last statement below.  
  For the record, I *have no problem* with your statements  about having 
learned much about yourself from astrology. That's your concern. Mine is just 
that as a means of prediction,  it's utterly and completely useless. Its 
predictive value has  never and will never be proven in any kind of scientific  
context in which the astrologers are blinded from meeting their clients (and 
thus "cold-reading" them) and prevented from making  generalized "predictions" 
that would apply to anyone. Another aspect of what I call "TM elitism" is that 
long-term  TMers tend to believe pretty much *what they were told to believe* 
by Maharishi, and seem incapable of challenging or questioning  it.   
   Wewill have to agree to differ about astrology. 
  That's fine with me. 
  There'sfar more to it than intuition. 
  I don't think so.  
  AsI explained to Sal, the readings I had were not "vague  generalities." They 
were precise and accurate, and they very much related to me as a specific 
individual. You must  have either seen some bad astrologers or have been so 
lacking in self-insight that you didn't recognize yourself in what they  told 
  Either that, or you are like all of those college students in  the famous 
experiment who were all given the exact same horoscope to read and told that it 
was done for them personally.  When the real nature of the experiment was 
revealed to them, over half refused to believe that it was true. Even  when 
they compared the "readings" they'd been given line for line  and found them 
identical, a few refused to believe it  and thought that someone had switched 
them to play a trick  on them. I think that it's more likely that you bought  
into generalities and at this point you don't want to even  admit the 
possibility that they weren't generalities.  But I have no interest in arguing 
with you...believe what you  want. 
  By the way, that "lacking in self-insight" was another  elitist slam. One 
might suggest that YOU are so lacking in self-insight that you don't even 
realize when you're being an  elitist. 
    I remember hearing that MMY said that the only purpose of  astrology was to 
predict the future. 
  I have heard the same thing...that he said that. That is what I  dispute. I 
don't think astrology is of *any use whatsoever* to predict the future. 
  I don't think he cared at all about developing an understanding  of the 
"relative" self, since he promoted transcendence of it. But I have to disagree 
with him over that. To me, predicting the  future has been the least important 
aspect of astrology. 
  That's fair, and I have no issue with you feeling that way.    
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :
   On the contrary, I will step up to the plate and give Feste a detailed (and 
long) answer from my POV,  largely because I think he was trying *not* to be 
mean...just a  normal TM elitist. ("We can't help it if these skeptics don't  
know as much as we do.")  :-) 
      From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@...[FairfieldLife]" 
        I'llstep aside and wait for Sal to answer this one - anything I say 
would  just sound mean. 
        From: feste37 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
       Inmy experience over the past 35 years, and I have said so on this board 
 more than once, astrology is the best tool for self-understandingthat there 
is—at least, the best I have found. 
  Feste will probably be surprised to learn that I agree with him -- that 
astrology, used correctly, can be a tool for self-analysis and 
self-understanding.But so can  tarot cards. So can "reading tea leaves." So can 
divining  the future by examining the recently-removedentrails of an animal. 
*In my opinion*, in ALL of these cases it is possible for a person to gain 
valuable  glimpses into the lives of themselves or others via any of these  
"divining tools." 
  BUT, I would also say that IMO the "tools" have nothing whatsoever to do with 
what they "see" or what they  "learn" except by acting as a trigger to set off 
their own intuition. The  astrology charts don't do diddleysquat, and contain 
no useful  information. The tea leaves likewise don't do diddley, and as for 
the  entrails, well, they're just a big steaming pile of internal organs. How  
all of these things "work" IMO is that they *trick* the  practitioner into 
accessing their own intuition. 
  Think of it in terms of Disney's "Dumbo." Dumbo the elephant had huge ears, 
and after his friend gave  him a magic feather to hold in his trunk, he could 
fly using them.  But, after enjoying flying a lot, his friend finally told  him 
that it was a normal old turkey feather, and that the only reason he  could fly 
while holding it and couldn't fly before was  that he *believed* he could if he 
was holding on to  the "magic" feather. Well, that is how I think astrology,  
tarot, reading tea leaves, and reading the steaming entrails of  lemurs 
"works." They are psychic tricks that the practitioners  of these "arts" play 
on themselves to trigger their own latent  intuition and kickstart it into 
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