Dear friends,i forward here a very interesting letter from a young fashion 
artist, who is really worth to support....

 Ymani Tilly - eco fashion


Dear friends,
I am very excited to share with you my project. I am in the process to create 
an organic clothing line! I spend the past 3 months learning and planning and 
now I eventually arrived to the point where only one step is between me and my 
goal. Is to get the fund to start the production. In this link you can read 
more about the Ymani Tilly – eco fashion woman’s ‘clothing line
 hope you happy and excited for me! It will be a very beautiful business. I 
will provide healthy organic clothing to women and in the same time we are (me 
and who buy from me) protecting our environment. Also the Brahmananda Sarasvati 
Trust, the foundation who support the Maharishi Vedic Pandit in India is very 
happy and supportive with my plan, because after each sold outfits 5-10 % of 
the price will goes to support the Maharishi Vedic pandits. I am very happy to 
start this amazing project, because I can fulfill both of my passion – one is 
to work and help the movement and the other is to be a fashion designer. I 
would like to ask you to please share my fundraising link with your family and 
friends and support me on the Kinckstarter today I have 28 days left, before 
they close. I will receive the fund only when all the amount comes together. So 
please help me to make this possible.Thank you very much!!!! I send you sooo 
much love from my heart!!!!Jai Guru DevAnita

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