The question is do we want the internet administered by the federal government 
or by the free marketplace?
The ISP's left us no choice but to inflict the Federal Government upon them.  
The Free Market is a Unicorn, it is mythological, and it's a falsehood that 
these bad capitalist like to trot out.  It's like wrapping one's self in the 
flag.  It's a nice and makes you feel good, but it means nothing.

The ISP do not believe in the Free Market because the lobbied and had 20 states 
prevent Free Market by preventing local municipalities from creating their own. 

Govenrment is not the solution to every problem, but it was the one for this 
issue.  It  didn't have to be, but unrestrained greed made it so.

There's no evidence that the internet was broken, so why try to fix it? The 
Internet worked because its technologies, business models and creativity were 
permissionless. Unless Congress or the courts block the new rules, it will be 
the end of the Internet as we know it.


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