At Sringeri, the principal deity, Saradambal, the Goddess of Learning, is a 
focus of a mighty spiritual force - pure consciousness. According to my 
informant, Saradamba, by all legendary accounts, is a deity of Kashmir who was 
literally brought down to the south of India by the Adi Shankara. Tradition 
says that Shankara installed the image, made of sandalwood, on a Sri Yantra 
drawn by himself.

Mystic and Seer 

 Apparently the 33rd Shankaracharya of the Sringeri Matha died before he could 
give all the initiations to the 34th, his successor. However, the 33rd is 
reputed to have said: "Worship of Sri Yantra is a must for the Swamis of the 
peetha." Go figure. 


"Normally the Sri Vidya mantra initiation would be done by the guru, but 
Narasimha Bharati had passed away before his disciple arrived at Sringeri. 
Hence the mantropadesa was done by Srikanta Sastri. He had been initiated into 
it by Narasimha Bharati Mahaswami the34th." The Pontiff's rein was from 1912 to 
1953, so he was a contemporary of SBS. The 33rd. was Sri Narasimha Bharati 
Mahaswami, making him a contemporary of SBS's guru, Swami Krishanand Saraswati. 

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Nice explanation by David Frawely and re-iterates things I've said on FFL 
about bija mantras (or "beej" as Indians pronounce it).   Bija mantras predate 
Shankara as tantra was very popular in India around 300-600 CE.
 I've also mentioned that TM uses the bijas for the first technique because 
anyone can teach them and the puja is even needed.  Also if you read the 
explanation you may reason why they won't work for everyone. 
 On 03/22/2015 07:13 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Chopra's meditation

 Vedic Wisdom | The Chopra Center  
 Vedic Wisdom | The Chopra Center Using Shakti Mantras to Enhance Your 
Primordial Sound Mantra Practice Your Personal Pranava or Primordial Sound

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