From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 One wonders why some rich people are doing this.  Are they in tremendous 
pressure from the IRS and others from keeping their wealth?  Does his wife and 
children agree with this decision?

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :


 Just when I think it really isn't possible for JR to get any less intelligent, 
he surprises me. Not only is he incapable of  imagining a rich person deciding 
to share his wealth with others, 

So, you believe Fred Lenz could levitate and cause change at will, but JR is 
less intelligent than you are? Go figure. 

he doesn't even know that the CEO of Apple is gay. 

Non sequitur.  Not everyone can follow a strict celibacy program like you are, 
Barry. LoL!

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