Alright, it.  Lots to check out here.....

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Listening to a new Mark Knopfler album is for me as close as I get to having a 
religious ritual in my life. I think so much of the man's writing abilities, 
his guitar skills, his musical taste, his compassion as a songwriter, and above 
all his humility as a human being that whenever a new album comes out I lock 
myself in my room and try to listen to the entire thing from start to finish, 
without interruption. 


 And yet, in all of the years and for all of the albums for which I have 
performed this ritual, I have never been able to make it all the way through. 
Not once. I set out with that as my goal, but there is always one song that 
stops me in my tracks and makes me play it over once or more times before I can 
move on to the next songs. 


 On this album, that song is "Wherever I Go," a lovely duet with Ruth Moody of 
the Wailin' Jennys. It demanded to be heard five whole times before it would 
allow me to move to the second CD of songs. 


 Mark Knopfler featuring Ruth Moody - Wherever I Go

 Mark Knopfler featuring Ruth Moody - Wherever I Go

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Maybe I'm bound to wander
 From one place to the next
 Heaven knows why
 But in the wild blue yonder
 Your star is fixed in my sky

Just another bar at a crossroads
 So far from home
 But that's alright
 Whenever I'm going down a dark road
 I don't feel alone in the night

There's a place in my heart
 Though we're far apart
 May you always know
 No matter how long since I saw you
 I'll keep a flame there for you
 Wherever I go

They're looking to close up in here
 They're pulling down the blinds
 But they'll let you stay awhile
 They're not going to mind
 Now I've got to leave you, brother
 So this round's mine
 Here's looking at you, anyhow
 You can go on and have another
 They won't call time
 I'm going to say my goodbyes now 

 There's a place in my heart
 Though we're far apart
 May you always know
 No matter how long since I saw you
 I'll keep a flame there for you
 Wherever I go

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   A new double album from one of the best songwriters in the world. Now I know 
what my cafe soundtrack will be today.


 More joy. First, a short film by Henrik Hansen:

 Mark Knopfler - Tracker - A Film By Henrik Hansen

 Mark Knopfler - Tracker - A Film By Henrik Hansen

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 Next, a track-by-track walkthrough by Mark:

 Mark Knopfler - Tracker – A Track by Track

 Mark Knopfler - Tracker – A Track by Track

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 Finally, the whole album, for those too cheap to buy it:

 Mark Knopfler-Tracker 2015 Full Album[ Deluxe Edition]

 Mark Knopfler-Tracker 2015 Full Album[ Deluxe Edition]

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