It's reminds me of the lifestyle of the (anti-)hero of William Gibson's seminal 
novel Neuromancer. 

 One striking feature is that anyone who tried to live in an internet café in 
London, Paris or New York would have their meagre possessions stolen within 
days. Japan has such a strong shame-culture ethic they don't have those 
worries. In Tokyo you can find food- and cigarette-vending machines on street 
corners made of such flimsy plastic that they could be ripped open using muscle 
power alone. They'd be cleaned out within 24 hours anywhere else.

 The Japanese have also pioneered those capsule hotels that look like they 
should be on a submarine or spaceship rather than planet Earth.  (There is 
something dinky and cute about them mind!) This is what the future looks like . 
. .


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