Mention of Scorpion Nation prompted me to look back - read the comments, 
especially from people posting from Skelmersdale!!!
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Your views: Maharishi pulls out of UK
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| BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Your views: Mah...As the Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi declares Britain is a "scorpion nation" unworthy of learning his advanced 
meditation techniques, we ask Newsnight viewers if they're bo... |
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      From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] complete nonsense posted here
    From: "" <>
 Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] complete nonsense posted here
    Maharishi never had dementia,  this is more of the completely made-up 
R-R-R-I-G-H-T. And Britain really *was* a "scorpion nation" and George W. Bush 
really *was* a "rakshasa" and people are going to flock to "Vedaland" and the 
TMSP really does make you "invincible" as long as someone keeps reporters from 
asking you any tough questions.  :-)
Here's a prime example of how demented Maharishi was. At one point, he was so 
enamored of his half-baked ideas about "vastu" and "sthapatya veda" that he 
actually sent people to preach to the French government and convince them that 
the only way to insure prosperity and invincibility for their country was to 
TEAR DOWN the existing city of Paris and replace it with a "proper" city 

Why I mention this is because this idea was SO crazy you can't really find this 
information on the Internet easily any more. Maharishi's insane "redesign plan" 
for Paris was too much *even for the TMO*, so they have carefully removed it 
from any of their current "vastu" pages. I managed to preserve it before they 
made the evidence go away:

posted so often here, as for "ranting and raving" that is what any impartial 
observer would call the poster who claims this and most of what is posted in 
this group. Maharishi was broadcast unedited in that era and those broadcasts 
are still available online on current broadcasts on the Maharishi Channel and 
always in the archives. I invite anyone to check them out for themselves.  Do 
your own independent research before you give any credence to what people claim 
in this group. No one with any respect for their own time is going to waste it 
bothering to try to refute all the false claims and nonsense posted here,

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        • [Fairfie... [FairfieldLife]
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