So lets try it and see - you book the flight and let us know how it goes. I bet 
you anything there are places where such a fate awaits anyone who insults the 
vedic gods. And claiming they don't exist would certainly fall into that 

      From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 2:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: List Culture and The FFL Post Count
     Don't forget that many who might have not been so disenchanted with the 
TMO 15 years ago are now.  For some it's a gradual process and for other 
happened decades ago.  We often here argue very salient points about Indian 
philosophy versus bullshit.  To do so properly means going beyond the sheltered 
boundaries of TM.  MJ, for instance, still believes you would get killed if you 
went to India and insisted that the Hindu deities are symbolic of forces of 
nature.  But a simple search on "indian deities symbolism" will find numerous 
articles on Indian sites saying they are symbolic.
 On 04/20/2015 11:04 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Left or driven off?  This as your thinking is fine as intelligent retort on one 
level Anartaxius except, the low post and dwindled active member counts may 
show  something else. 
 Looking in on the culture of what is FFL now, is it a surprise the numbers 
have dropped off when there is so much about Fairfield  or larger spiritual 
matter being talked about otherwise by others actively involved in it? No, it 
is like the well was poisoned here by some. Ironically there is an evident 
invective that is intolerance to conversation here and to divergent idea by a 
concentration of some few who remain active posting here.
If could be we are just getting on with our lives. Now that most of the TB 
crazies have left, some of the tart, sharp conversation has dwindled, and there 
are less opportunities for intelligent retorts. I think you would have welcomed 
the change.
'Intelligent retort'?

We've not been very good at discussion here for some time on FFL and the place 
as a forum is nearly dead.
Yep, visiting looking back in on Fairfieldlife at yahoo-groups evidently this 
is mostly a sad inhospitable place rendered down to some pulp substance of 
travelogue, movie reviews and the personal bickerings of a few.  Om, for what 
once was Fairfieldlife,

Sooooooooooo, turns out that there WERE ZERO posts since last night.
Just another tell that FFL is going down for the count.  
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