"When "finding balance" feels like one more thing on your to-do list...
 I swear, when someone tells me I need to find "balance" in my life, it feels 
like a curse word. I mean really, who has time to meditate for 20 minutes twice 
a day? Sure, it's great that Deepok Chopra is able to get up at 5:00 in the 
morning to sit in silence, but let's be honest; most of us aren't going to do 
 Does that mean we're not as spiritual as those who do? That we won't be able 
to reap the benefits of a more spiritual life now? As we are right now? Do we 
have to wait for our next lifetime when we've somehow figured out how to be 
less busy and overwhelmed? When we have time to sit under the Bodhi tree all 
day and contemplate life?
 Is the pursuit of spirituality and calmness only making us more stressed 
 What if the Buddha were a bartender?..."
"Even Buddah couldn't meditate living in his castle. He had to leave everything 
and everyone to go out on his own."

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