17 min video by Kajal Pandey at 
 Kirtan Kriya Meditation http://www.Kajalpandey.com/kirtan-kriya-meditation/
 Kirtan Kriya Meditation http://www.Kajalpandey.com/kirtan-kriya-meditation/ I 
was guided to the Kirtan Kriya Meditation by a Kundalini Yoga teacher and I 
took it on as my 40 day sadhana. However, I failed many times to complete the 
full 4...
 View on www.Kajalpandey.com 
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  First - hand mudras as shown throughout except for the very last, with the 
 Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa (1) outloud....-> whisper.....-.silently, then reverse: 
silently for a few min. then whisper then outloud.  Last few minutes, no 
movements, no mantra, just silence and with some slow breathing.
 "Impressive Results"  in a Bottom Line Publication with control group 
listening to soothing instrumental music while relaxing in a quit place with 
eyes closed.
 1. Depression: 50% or greater improvement in depressive symptions seen in 65% 
of kirtan kriya group vs with 31%  of control group.
 2. Mental health: 52% vs 19%
 3. Cognitive function: significant improvement on various levels.  No 
improvement in relaxation group.
 Research done by Helen Lavretsky, MD, Psychiatry Dept., UCLA.
 I could'nt find Dr. Lavretsky's website, sot used the Pandey website  to show 
the technique.
 Could be superior to TM for most people.



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