We're off into uncharted waters now. No real theories to test, this is more a 
hit and hope. A "lets see what's there" approach that may uncover something 
fascinating, which means something unexpected that turns current ideas on their 

 But that gets less likely with every new discovery, the Higgs boson showed 
they were right about the standard model - the universe being made of a 
collection of small bits of stuff instead of the small bits of stuff being made 
of something else - but there are still a few gaps, like how does gravity fit 
in and what is dark matter. It also showed that a lot of ideas were wrong, like 
most string theory ideas. 

 Maybe we;ll definitively prove that we live in a multiverse in which case they 
can pack it all away and go home as there won't be anything else to learn. 
Think of what they'd save on the electricity bill!

 Or maybe they will find something really astounding that gets some forgotten 
physicist a Nobel prize. 

 I'm excited even if nobody else is.....



 Large Hadron Collider boots back up with supercharged energy levels 

 Large Hadron Collider boots back up with supercharged... 
 Scientists hope restart of particle accelerator at 13 tera-electronvolts will 
reveal new particles and possibly shed light on dark matter
 View on www.theguardian.com 
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