The summary of the discourse from Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamii's 
discourse in 2000.
Jaya Guru Datta

Lord Shiva, who was residing in Kashi was invited by the god of Mandara Parvata 
(Parvata=Mountain) to reside on him. Lord Shiva acceded to his request and 
stayed in 
Mandara Parvata for a while.
Mandara here does not refer to the one in the Himalayan range. It is situated 
in the 
Ksheera Samudra (ocean of milk), in the Shimshumara Chakra.
Shiva was spending his time on the Mandara Parvata. One day, Parvati, wanting 
to play 
with him, came from behind and closed his eyes with her palms. Shiva was 
deeply and did not move.
All of a sudden, a monstrous baby appeared in front of them. He was crying 
Parvati immediately realised that this baby was born out of her sweat.
Lord Shiva slowly opened his eyes. Parvati now realised that Lord Shiva was all 
the while 
engrossed in deep meditation.
She lifted the baby from the ground and held it in her arms. The baby was 
blind. "Who is 
this?"- she asked Lord Shiva.
"He is your son. He was born when you closed my eyes. Therefore he has become 
Let us therefore name him ÔAndhakaÕ " replied Lord Shiva.
"You take care of him now. I will not touch him now" said Shiva.
Because the child possessed evil characters, the Shiva Ganas(troupes of Shiva) 
calling him ÔAndhakasuraÕ.
However, Andhakasura had immense love for his parents. As he was born blind, he 
had no 
idea what they looked like.
Those were the days when the demon duo of Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu were 
tormenting the world. Although they worked in tandem while tormenting the 
world, they 
had their differences too.
Hiranyakashipu, the younger brother became a father. The elder brother 
Hiranyaksha had 
no children. His wife started pestering him. Unable to bear her pressure, he 
penance to please Lord Shiva. When Shiva, being pleased with his penance, 
before him, Hiranyaksha said, "O Lord, my younger brother has children. I have 
Please bless me with a son who will not only take care of our kingdom, but will 
also extend 
Lord Shiva said "You do not have the qualification to get a progeny. Therefore, 
I will give 
you my son Andhakasura. Though he is blind by birth, he possesses enormous 
Take him with you".
Hiranyaksha brought Andhakasura home. Initially his wife did not show any love 
for the 
boy. However, in due course of time, on account of ShivaÕs Maya, she developed 
love for 
Andhakasura and started looking after him well.
After some time, Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Vishnu, who took the Varaha 
Andhaka and his mother took refuge in Hiranyakashipu. In due course of time, he 
killed by Lord Narasimha. Hiranyakashipu died even before he had nominated his 
Narasimha Swamy made Prahlada the king and returned to Vaikuntha.
The five brothers of Prahlada did not give Andhakasura his due share of the 
kingdom and 
instead, started teasing him for his blindness.
Andhakasura became frustrated. He started a Homa in which he offered bits of 
his own 
Even after most of his flesh was exhausted, no one came to give him a boon. 
Finally he 
decided to jump in to the fire pit himself.
The Devatas (godheads) became frightened and begged Lord Brahma to grant 
Andhakasura a boon to ensure that he stopped the frightful Homa. Andhakasura 
requested Brahma to grant him extraordinary vision. He further desired that 
even Indra 
should obey him. Finally, he asked that he should not be killed by anyone. To 
this, Brahma 
suggested that it was better for Andhakasura to seek a boon whereby he could 
when to die.
Andhakasura asked that he should die when he aspires for such a woman who 
never be aspired for. Brahma granted the boon and said, "may you win over the 
By the power of BrahmaÕs boon, Andhakasura became stronger and brighter. By the 
he returned to his kingdom, his cousin brothers had changed. They were friendly 
with him 
now. Accompanied by his cousin brothers, he conquered the heaven.
Gradually Andhakasura became more and more engaged in materialistic pleasures. 
gave up even his regular austerities. Once he went to Mount Mandara on a 
pleasure trip. 
The children of his ministers, who had accompanied him brought a message for 
him. "O 
King! A sage lives nearby. He is full of youth. But he has long hair. He is 
sparsely dressed. 
He is frightening to look at. But he sports the moon on this head. His body is 
with ash. He has snakes around his neck and head. What is more important is 
that he has 
a very pretty wife. We do not wish to say anything more"
Immediately Andhakasura ordered his servants to bring her to him at once. They 
went to 
the sage (who in fact was Shiva Himself) and asked him to hand over his wife to 
their king. 
Lord Shiva immediately remembered the boon of Brahma. He understood that 
Andhakasura was nearing his death. Andhakasura had never seen his parents and 
therefore did not know what they looked like. Lord Shiva tried to make him 
understand. He 
sent words through the same servants that the woman Andhakasura was aspiring 
for was 
his mother! However, the emissaries misconstrued it and told Andhakasura that 
the sage 
was refusing to part with his wife and was in fact inviting him for a fight. 
accepted the challenge.
Veeraka, the guard at the door of Shiva fought gallantly against Andhaka. He 
handedly fought against the army of demons. Shiva was in the middle of an 
called Pashupata Vrata (which takes 1000 years to complete). He did not wish to 
disturbed by Andhaka. He therefore asked his guard Veeraka to handle the 
Brahma, Vishnu, Indra and other gods assumed feminine form and jumped to the 
battlefield. Seeing this, Parvati too got ready to join them. The battle 
between Andhaka 
and Veeraka went on for 500 years..
After 1000 years, Andhaka opened his mouth widely and tried to swallow everyone.
Shiva appeared on the scene and said, " My austerities are complete now. You 
all may now 
go and take rest"
Accompanying Parvati in to the cave, Shiva asked Veeraka to guard the cave and 
told him 
that others would continue the fighting. The Shivaganas (troupes of Shiva) were 
to hear this.
Seeing the sage and his wife enter the cave, Andhaka thought that they were 
fleeing the 
battlefield. He called Vighanasa, one of his aides and asked him to sneak in to 
the cave to 
find out what the sage couple was doing.
With much difficulty, Vighanasa entered the cave and saw that the couple was 
engaged in a conversation. He prostrated before the sage and said, "if you are 
really a 
sage, then start doing penance. If you are brave, come out and face the battle"
Hearing this, Lord Shiva became furious. He entered the battlefield with a 
trident in his 
hand. All the Devatas joined him.
The demon army begged Bhargavacharya, their guru to protect them. They 
requested him 
to teach them the knowledge of bringing the dead back to life (Mrita Sanjeevini 
Bhargavacharya was now in a dilemma. It was Lord Shiva who had blessed him with 
knowledge. How could he use it against Lord Shiva Himself? Still, because the 
demons had 
come to him for help, he could not turn them away. He thought for a while and 
decided to 
enter the battlefield. He started bringing back to life, the dead demons.
The war seemed to go on and on. It showed now signs of ending. Andhaka summoned 
Gila, the swallower and asked him to swallow the sun, the moon and Indra. He 
also asked 
him to swallow Veeraka, who was like a thorn in their way. Gila could swallow 
except Veeraka.
In the absence of the sun and the moon, there was darkness everywhere. Veeraka 
sang in 
praise of Lord Shiva. He wondered as to how Gila could swallow Vishnu also.
Shiva said "during the Narasimha incarnation of Lord Vishnu, when NarasimhaÕs 
could not 
contain his anger even after he had killed Hiranyakashipu, he set out to 
swallow the world. 
The Seven great sages had then given a curse that he would fall in to the mouth 
of a 
demon. Lord Vishnu, out of compassion for the sages had now willfully acceded 
to their 
curse. Otherwise, there is no way anyone can swallow Vishnu".
Shiva was enraged and with the help of an arrow, ripped open GilaÕs belly. All 
the Devatas 
came out. Lord Vishnu started pounding Andhaka with his mace.
Nandeeshwara, the consort of Lord Shiva approached his master and said that all 
efforts were being nullified by Bhargavacharya, the guru of the demons. Lord 
Shiva told 
Nandi to somehow abduct and bring him from the battlefield.
Nandi entered the battlefield, abducted Bhargavacharya and brought him before 
Immediately Lord Shiva swallowed him. Bhargavacharya tried all tricks to come 
out of 
ShivaÕs body, but failed. Left with no choice, he started praising Shiva. Lord 
Shiva, out of 
compassion, expelled him out of his body through the genital organ. Because of 
Bhargavacharya came to be called as Shukracharya (Shukra in Sanskrit means 
5000 years elapsed. The war was still going on. An energy was born out of 
ShivaÕs ear and 
destroyed everyone. Even Shukracharya could not stop it.
Shiva asked Vishnu to stay away and encountered Andhaka. He stabbed Andhaka 
with his 
trident and held his body high in the sky. He expanded his body. Shiva held him 
in that 
posture for a thousand years. Only after this, Andhaka could comprehend about 
his birth.
Andhaka was surprised that Lord Shiva did not punish him although he had 
aspired for his 
own mother. Even while hanging on the trident, he praised the 108 forms of 
Shiva for a 
thousand years. All his sins were washed off.
Shiva brought him down, and for the first time, touched him. Immediately he 
bright and luminous. He fell at his parentsÕ feet and asked for forgiveness.
Shiva and Parvati preached Andhakasura.
Later he was made in charge of one of the Ganas.
Even now he is engaged in the service of his parents.
Those who listen to this story will be rid of their ignorance.
UPADESHA (Preaching) Out of love for their son, Shiva and Parvati gave the 
preaching to Andhakasura.
Dear one, every being in this creation takes birth only as ordained by Shiva. 
You are no 
By birth, everyone is blind.
Here blindness does not mean physical blindness. Being devoid of knowledge 
itself is 
A being devoid of knowledge acquires many powers. Ironically, he can not 
acquire control 
over his own sense organs.
Still, he takes pride in declaring that he has scored win over everyone.
Because of this ego, he becomes a slave to his Indriyas.
He will then forget that everyone in this creation is feminine in nature and 
that the Lord 
alone is masculine. He will begin thinking that he is Purusha(manly) and brave. 
He will 
therefore tend to aspire for every female he sees.
By doing so, he is inviting his own destruction.
Because Manmatha (symbolic of lust for women) was responsible for the death of 
Andhaka, Manmatha is also called as Andhaka Shatru (enemy of Andhaka).
If a person who has reached such a condemnable state wishes to come out of it, 
he must 
first get rid of the intoxication or ego that he got from his manliness(power 
of flesh and 
To achieve this, he must perform intense penance that dries up his body and 
makes it 
Out of compassion for you, your father stabbed you with the trident and held 
you high in 
the sky and made you undertake such a stringent penance.
Such a Tapas should be undertaken with the thought that Shiva is omnipresent 
and all 
forms belong to Him.
This is what you achieved when you meditated upon the 108 forms of Lord Shiva.
He alone is said to possess ÔeyesÕ, who is able to continuously visualise the 
all pervading 
Only when a person gets such a ÔsightÕ, he becomes eligible to be called 
ShivaÕs son. Lord 
Shiva will then include such a person in his army.
O! Andhaka! Although you were born as ShivaÕs son, you too - like other beings 
Ñ became 
blind and only later acquired the wisdom eye.
Now you have qualified to become the head of ShivaÕs army.
Throughout the night various abhishekams and decorations were performed to the 
Sachchidanandeswara Shiva Lingam in the prayer hall. Devotees were kept busy on 
day night vigil with various programmes in prayerhall, Nada Mantapa and the 
Venkateswara temple. The magnificent celebrations came to a close at the dawn 
of 5th 
morning at 6 AM, with Sri Swamiji singing the popular Shiva Bhajans Ramyaka 
Shivaratri, Ishapatisha and Hara Hara Bhaja.

 In Datta Seva

Jaya Guru Datta

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