Ever seen Plan 9 from Outer Space?

      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 2:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] It Follows

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

I tried to watch it - man was it awful! Lame acting and RIDICULOUSLY bad 
It might vie for worst sci fi film with that god awful Prometheus. 

Prometheus was abysmal. And worse than just being a bad film with a tired 
cliche in every frame it completely undermined the first Alien film which is 
still marvelous. What was Ridley Scott thinking!
But maybe the new Terminator film will give it a run for it's money. There was 
a great film that surely didn't need a sequel, but it got one that made no 
sense at all and, once again, undermined the original. I don't know why people 
rate T2 at all. Better special effects probably. But the series went rapidly 
downhill, the last one with Christian Bale was dreadful, all those cheesy 
references to dialogue in the first film made me want to scream "Make it stop!" 
but I was in a cinema and was probably in a minority anyway. People must love 
those references or they wouldn't always do them right?
Worst sci-fi movie I have ever seen must be Battleship. It isn't really sci-fi 
but people will think it is because it's got big robots in it. It's more 
accurately described as an advert for America's values and it's endless fight 
against the nameless terrors that threaten the safety of the American way of 
Been a lot of films like that recently. Aliens with no backstory, stopping the 
hapless residents from going about their business, I don't know why they don't 
just call the monsters Ayrabh's or Gheehadees or something as they aren't 
fooling anyone. One thing they get wrong though is that the aliens they come up 
against are always highly organised and technologically advanced, unlike 
America's real enemies. Go figure...
  From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 12:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] It Follows
 I watched "Jupiter Ascending" lastnight.  It's a "tentpole movie."  IOW, 
something the Wachowski'sdid to get funding for projects they really want to 
do.  It's avery basic story, sorta a takeoff on Cinderella (if you get 
thehomage).  Lots of temporary employment for CG artists.

 On 07/03/2015 01:55 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Jupiter Ascending got badreviews, and I found it good enough to watch two 
timesalready.  All kinds of production values and new techconcepts.

It Follows is a rude slap in the face comparatively. Turns out it is simply a 
"see girls in underwearrunning" flick.....AND THAT'S IT.  It's got about 
twentythings that piss ya off:  characters going into darkplaces alone, being 
too dumb to find practical help, andendlessly starting the fucking movie over 
and over againwith the same exact scenario:  waiting for IT, and thenrunning.

Just trying to save ya getting emotionally ripped off.   

Worse part of the film is that IT DOES DELIVER with a lotof good 
qualities....gets ya expecting a LOGICAL andREASONABLE film, cuz, you know, 
good money and minds werebehind this film.

But shit.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...>wrote :

I'llhave to see for myself.  Withhorror and science fiction people often 
bringpre-concievedexpectations.  The film is distributed by Weinstein somight 
evenhave extras and an alternate ending.  Similarly nowthat  "JupiterAscending" 
is at RB I'll be checking it out formyself.

 On 07/03/2015 09:53 AM,Duveyoung wrote:

Notworth the Redbox rentalprice.  Reason:  the ending

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<noozguru@...>wrote :

Showsupat Redbox on the 14th.   
On 07/03/2015 09:12 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  Especiallyifyou paid theprices I'm seeing to watch it online. Waitfor 
Netflixfor these titles or at least Redbox. Or didyou inheritan eyepatch?

On 07/02/2015 08:35 PM, Duveyoungwrote:

  WHAT AFUCKING PIECEOF SHITMOVIE. I won't spoil ithere, butyou shouldread ONLY 

I cannot believe thoseRottenTomatoesratings.... The positivereviewsare 
allbullshit-for-sure;-written-probably-by-paid-for-shillswhomusthave all bought 
into thisHEIST ofthe public mindset. Allthe RTreviewersshould have their 
checkingaccounts auditedfor a major influx ofpayola......holy shitthis film 
pissed me off. 



Fuck fuck fucking fuckfuck..........fuck.

( Heh......Just trying to helpfill inthe recentlyobvious film-review vacuum.)

 |    |  
 |  ItFollowsCriticsConsensus:Smart, original, andaboveallterrifying, ItFollows 
isthe raremodern horror filmthatworks onmultiple levels --andleaves alingering 
stin... | 
|  View on www.rottentomatoes... | Preview by Yahoo  |

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