No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  

---In, <> wrote :

 On 07/09/2015 08:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

<dhamiltony2k5@...> mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Yes, as some are affirming here the Yahoo-groups guidelines are a lot about 
civility and how things are said. Yes it is about civility and facilitating 
communal well-being for individuals in [safe] collaborative communal 
organization. With this it seems a lot of thought has been put in to the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines by folks at Yahoo. 
 Me: If I didn't know who wrote it, I would have to assume this was a parody. 
You are taking the approach that is appropriate for the pre-schools I teach in 
or an exclusive POV group like TM. 


 Two things stick out for me:

 One is the assumption that the unenforced Yahoo guidelines are some kind of 
Vedic scripture and were not banged out by 20 something's from the corporate 
lawyer's guidelines. You are taking them as some kind of profound message for 
how to both condescendingly coddle and at the same time control  other adults 
engaged in free conversations.

 Heh, that's what I said in a post before I read this one.  People sit around 
in corporate boardrooms and dream this stuff up because the lawyers and 
marketing demand it.  There was probably a tug-a-war between the more rational 
and idealistic in that meeting and probably a more senior manager reminding 
them they were to create "suggestions" not "rules." Those here who have sat in 
corporate boardrooms know what I mean.  :)

 Two is that you are following a long historical line of people who value form 
over content and seem incapable of tolerating the way people who care about 
content engage in the process. When I am in a heated debate and someone calls 
me a name, it is very easy to label it for what it is, a sophistic tactic to 
distract from the weakness of the argument or their lack of ability to mount 
one. Often the back and forth of diverse opinions can inspire someone to mouth 
off a little. But that is because they are engaged, they care, they give a s-- 
oh wait, I just got a memo from the inhibitory part of my brain that alerts me 
that in your mind, you might bounce me if I use bad language....

 You don't want passionate people who are emotionally behind their ideas and 
willing to hash it out in discussion. If I put some new age music behind what 
you wrote I could use it to go to sleep. You are taking the Kim Kardashian 
approach to the exchange of ideas. All Spanx and nothing behind the eyes.

 Buck:The yahoo guidelines seem very much like a re-structuring and looking at 
language that is happening a lot of places and also ongoing within the TM 
movement itself to help folks figure out civil processes. Like between and 
within the different elements as in the case of TM, of what or who is TM. I was 
in movement working committee meetings yesterday on campus where a focus of 
discussion was looking for actionable remedy to some really poor behavior and 
culture in language-ing that can hold 'stealth-mores' and 'micro-inequities' 
that some may not realize they are sharing as they speak. The process comes to 
these same themes of facilitating and moving civil discourse. 
 Me: A lot of chilling PC euphemisms here. It reminds me of why Jerry Seinfeld 
(see meditator reference so it must be good kids) said he doesn't perform on 
college campuses anymore. 
 This line made my veins run with ice water:
 "looking for actionable remedy to some really poor behavior and culture in 
language-ing that can hold 'stealth-mores' and 'micro-inequities' that some may 
not realize they are sharing as they speak."
 Me: This is on the campus with a committee discussing actionable remedy for 
free speech if they detect "micro-inequalities" in what you have said. Am I 
really the lone voice in the wilderness who believes that this is the language 
of oppression? Is this what we lived through the 60's for? I am fundamentally 
opposed to every idea that is expressed by this POV.   
 Buck: Interestingly, the millennial meditating generation that is present 
participating in this is not sitting still at all for old patriarchal ways and 
they are quite studied in their push and their holding some elder feet to the 
fire. This is not just about a hurtful violence endemically perpetrated like 
exampled here
 Me: Again with the conflation of violence and speech. This is critical to the 
sophistic goal of combining our natural civilized aversion to violence and pair 
it with someone calling another adult a name in a heated discussion. It is like 
an advertiser putting up a picture of their product next to a woman who looks 
as if she might be able to effectively nurse her child using a lady part that 
cannot be referenced directly because it might reveal the micro-inequality of 
sexism and might draw down the fire of an actionable remedy. (such creepy 
lawyer speech to hide creepy intentions.)
 Buck: by some behavior of some individuals in character as was on FFL but 
finding actionable cultural movement in progressive civil discourse that seems 
more broadly afoot otherwise. 
 Me: You know what I hear in this tortured use of language? Intellectual 
insecurity. I hear this in education circles a lot. People afraid to state 
something simply and directly because they don't want you to really be able to 
evaluate the flimsy idea embellished by sophistic lawyer talk BSery. I can 
clear up the ideas easily:
 Buck is saying that he is very interested in figuring out ways to punish 
people whose speech uses any language that he determines holds such vague 
concepts as micro-inequalities to mask his agenda to just boot people off this 
group who he doesn't like. By using vague references to violence he hopes 
people will support his small minded approach to interfering with how adults 
discuss things that matter to them in a way that they decide for themselves. 
And it is all wrapped up in the carob coating of doing it for their own good 
and the good of the "community", all presumably babies who cannot be trusted to 
decide these things for themselves.

 Buck needs to realize that a lot of us post things laughing as we do because 
we like to shock people to bring them out of their stupor.  Otherwise FFL would 
have been a knitting party.  Turq really liked to do this and I like to do it 
to see what people here are really about.
 The collaboration in practice seems to require some willing studied 
[conscious] self-control of self-moderation for participation in the 
engagement. Also known as, civility and how things are said. 
 Me: People who are terrible bakers spend a lot of time talking about the icing.

 Good one!
<> wrote :
 Doug is right here, and I think calling this new group Free Speech is a 
misnomer, as Doug implies. It's more a question of civility than free speech. 
IIf, say, you go to a party and spend your time there insulting and ridiculing 
and misrepresenting others, you will likely be asked to leave. But would it be 
fair to call that a curtailment of your right to free speech? I don't think so. 
It would just be an adverse commentary on your boorish social behavior, which 
you would be well advised to amend.  
<dhamiltony2k5@...> mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 As someone pointed out down at Paradiso Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa this morning 
about the creation of FFL2 for the FFL-banished, these fox may not have fun for 
long by themselves without also having hens to pick on. Making straw-men may 
suffice for some while and keep them from tearing at each other for some time. 
The Yahoo-groups guidelines eventually will find and rule them where ever they 
may go as they meet up with kind people in civil society. A character of 
violence in civil society often is that it is self-limiting in nature and the 
asocial tend to isolate themselves. Thanks for better facilitating that, Alex. 

<awoelflebater@...> mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
<j_alexander_stanley@...> mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :
 On a whim, I made a FFL free speech zone. Use it. Don't use it. Doesn't matter 
to me. Just letting you know it's there.
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 Thank God, now maybe we can get some peace around here from all the whining. I 
think you might have wanted to call the new sit! e "australia".


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