I think Doug's right in this case. Salyavin was being quite snotty, assuming 
erroneously that my post on t3rinity's email was gratuitous; and I got a little 
snotty back. The exchange wouldn't have improved from there. 

 At least now anybody who's curious knows my post on FFL2 was not at all 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :
 Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.  Thanks in advance,  

 The only difference here, Doug, is that Judy is attempting to illustrate to 
Salyavin that a double standard is being supported. These kinds of exchanges 
have often degenerated into mud slinging in the past but with the removal or 
movement of many to the alternate forum this is less inclined to happen here 
now. Explanations for why someone posted something are not necessarily personal 
or "not being a good citizen".
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; "I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called "Turnabout is fair play." Or "What goes around, comes around."

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


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