---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :
 Well, Curtis, you've managed to nudge this discussion farther and farther away 
from the actual issue, which was your erroneous claims that Barry's mistake 
(lie?) about who started the Subud discussion was an insignificant detail, and 
that I had missed the point of his "Is Doug Hamilton Possessed?" post.

Me: It remains insignificant and you had missed the point.

Judy: This is a standard bit of your flim-flammery when you realize you're 
losing an argument you should never have started in the first place. And then 
it degenerates into meaningless insults.

Me: I never lost any argument about Barry's big mistake. He got that 
insignificant detail wrong. Your pattern is to miss the forest for the trees 
but be too stubborn to take any feedback. It is one of your odd charms that 
never fails to amaze me. I can never guess which little fact you will fixate on 
to derail the conversation from what I consider the main point. In this case it 
was obviously that Buck was giving some positive spin to Subud which for an ex 
teacher is comical. It is like having someone post that they like to say their 
mantra to a Reggae rhythm while posing as a TM hard liner. It was funny. 
Whether or not Buck introduced the topic before he expressed his opinions on it 
wasn't Barry's point or the subject of my amusement about it. You were in your 
own rabbit hole as usual and I am left wide eyed at how you did it again.


 That's the stage we're at now. I'll leave you to continue flimming and 

Me: You are saying that so I know what you are referring to when you were 
complaining about discussions degenerating into meaningless insults right? 

Are you even aware of how silly you sound with so little self awareness about 
your own writing?




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Doug (not "Buck") said he hadn't heard Maharishi say anything about Subud. 
(Barry made fun of him for that, but then t3rinity chimed in that he hadn't 
heard anything either. Another Oooopsie! for Barry.)

As I said, what Doug wrote seems to me more like a call for more information, 
given that Wikipedia didn't say anything about its involving spirit possession.

Me3: It was on TTC. I forget if Buck was made a teacher. Buck and I also heard 
tapes of him talking about this on our rounding courses as MIU students.

 So you say. I'll leave that claim for Doug to deal with if he's so inclined.

Me4: We took the same rounding courses with the same tapes. So yes, that is 
what I am saying.


 Barry is the primary source of all the upheaval relating to FFL; he's the main 
reason for the split-off to The Peak, and for Rick deciding moderation of FFL 
was necessary. That's a heavy set of consequences for which Barry is very 
largely responsible, and he knows it (though of course he'd never admit it). 
He's having a really tough time dealing with it. But one thing making it easier 
is that he can now lie freely about FFL, its moderator, and its TM supporters. 
It seems to me that's a fact of potential interest to FFLers.

Me2: I have people whose posts I don't read so I don't get this power he holds 
on you.

 What on earth does your DNR list have to do with anything?

ME3: Because it shows how an adult would handle a situation of not liking how 
someone posts instead of going to read him when he posts on another site. You 
are powerless to avoid him like a moth to the flame.

 Still makes no sense to me, sorry.

Me4: Nor to me. Never understood your behavior amidst your faux protest routine.

Me 2:All this drama about having to create a new group because of him seems 
bogus to me. If you don't like someone, don't read them. If you decide to read 
them, then enjoy the ride you are creating by doing so.

 Judy2: Oh, this is just prissy high-horse rubbish, Curtis. Go back to Feste's 
cocktail party analogy. FFL is like a very long-running cocktail party. When 
it's dominated by a person who gets his jollies from sadistically attacking 
people, it's not that easy to ignore. You yourself agreed with me that the 
whole "button-pushing" bit is basically a crock. For that matter, you've often 
become quite wroth when you've been attacked.

Me3: When I am I either show where I disagree, mock their attack or just skip 
it as I ended up doing with our most famous R. You act as if there is only one 

 Well, no, I don't, actually. I've done all three with Barry as well, as you 

 Me2:I enjoy our conversations even though we don't agree on much and I often 
feel misrepresented by you. I don't really get why you can't see that Barry 
provides you with your favorite writing prompts here no matter where he is 

 Judy2: Barry does not provide me with my "favorite writing prompts" (what a 
pretentious phrase, "writing prompts"). 

Me3: It comes from schools. Those third grade teachers are so pretentious 
aren't they? 

 I'm not talking about third grade teachers. I'm talking about Curtis using the 
phrase on FFL.

Me4: Wow you really had to reach to create that insult out of nothing. Yes I 
used a term common in schools about things that prompt us to write. And as far 
as your writing history here goes, you are most prompted to write by anything 
that Barry says on this or any other site.

I'd much rather write about other things (and did, when there was a pause in 
Barry's jihad against me). You don't provide them either, as it happens. It's a 
big bore to have to untangle your flim-flam. I vastly prefer discussions that 
are straightforward and conducted with integrity.

Me3: This was worth the whole post. You do know that some of us are aware of 
your history of writing here right? If you tell me it has bored you or that you 
would rather write about other things, you are proving my point. You are 
powerless. And if you have not enjoyed our many long conversations as I have, 
you are quite pathetic since you engaged in them for sooooo long. I get 
something out of our discussions which is why I continue to interact with you. 
Sucks to be you I guess. You have pissed away a large part of your life here 
doing things you did not want to do, enjoy doing, or get anything out of. 
Tragic little victim. 

 Thanks, a perfect example of what I mean by "flim-flam."

 Anyone who's aware of my history of writing here knows I've written quite a 
bit of good stuff. That's the kind of writing I'd *prefer* to do.

Me4: I know but that Barry just makes you focus on him again and again and 
again. I can only imagine how much great stuff the world lost because Barry 
posted on the same site you did. I guess we will never know.

 But I just happen to put a priority on exposing dishonesty and protesting 
unfairness. It isn't enjoyable, but there is a certain satisfaction in it. It's 
a choice, and I do get something out of it.

Me4: And you thought me using a term like "writing prompt" was pretentious. You 
don't seem to have a firm grasp on that word.

Love the drama of "sadistically attacking" and "jihad" thrown in. Addicts love 
to talk about their addictions in vivid terms that make it look as if they 
cannot resist. It makes them feel better about shitty choices they make. Barry 
continues to control your attention from another site.

 More jive drivel.

 Curtis, you know what I think of you, and you know why. There's no way you can 
fix it

Me4: I don't want to "fix" anything I enjoy the writing prompts your weird 
fixations and misunderstandings give me.

 Judy:except by having some sort of major conversion experience followed by 
repentance and penance. 

Me4: This went from pretentious to grandiose and delusional.

I'm not holding my breath.

Me4: Probably a good idea.








Without him living in the world and expressing his opinions you would be 
posting all sorts of wonderful things? And all without the need for writing 
prompts no doubt!


 YMMV, of course.


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