Of course, you are right. You realize that you’ve been permanently 
excommunicated from TM, and you’ve decided to continue to be a leader in 
promoting Maharishi’s work through the engine of FFL. You have found what 
you’re meant to be doing as a wise elder here on FFL and on the ground in 
Fairfield. You are the owner of the oldest and largest online forum that 
critiques the constant misbehaviors of the TMO. You are also justifiably 
honored in Fairfield as the main spokesperson for local TMers who continue the 
good fight against the TMO. Even in the face of the ongoing rage and 
surveillance that the local TMO directs towards you on a daily basis. 


 It’s not how you expected your final expulsion from the TMO would play out, 
but you continue to radiate light. Right now, you’re probably the world’s 
leading critic of the TMO with almost 1600 followers on FFL. But you know that 
it is right that you continue to live your dharma as the leading representative 
and most prominent scholarly thinker for the TMO disaffected in Fairfield and 
throughout the world. And no matter how hard it may try, the TMO can never 
erase your well-documented history of leadership over many decades in holding 
it to account for its misbehaviors, or prevent you from continuing in this 
dharmic leadership role of yours ever more strongly and loudly into the future. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 In an administration by a few inside TM as recent re-incorporation the 
handling of the re-certification of the 29,000 TM teachers evidently is further 
confirmation of trend in ongoing attrition.   Attrition seems to stalk TM 
throughout with its alumni groups of teachers, IAA, MSAE, MUM, MIU, and 
meditators meditating together. It seems there is not a lot of capable 
magnanimity in the running of it. 
  Running in to old teachers here in FF and also out in the world it seems that 
an administrative excluding of 29,000 old TM teachers taught by Maharishi to 
teach TM was recipe for some more bad blood about TM. -JaiGuruYou

 jamesalan735 wrote :
 I'm afraid that you're never again going to qualify for a Dome badge again. 
Your negativity on FFL over the years was obviously well known to the course 
office, and is the main reason you have been permanently banned from the dome. 
Now it's even worse for you because you're the owner of FFL, and so you'll 
never again qualify to be inside the dome again or participate in any TM group 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yep, seems 29,000 were taught by Maharishi to teach TM and then not supported 
or embraced longer but abandoned in leadership. Then excluded and now 
threatened. They got some hundreds teaching now and just re-certified 90 
elderly teachers here in a gathering on what was billed as the last 
re-certification course. Seems it is also of a religious thing of testing a 
faith-and-belief loyalty coupled with defending a business model as some see 
it. Not a lot of magnanimity in it and they got themselves backed in to a bad 
corner with various categories of alumni. But on they fight. Seems it is not 
good enough to be a mediator or TM teacher around here now. You got to 
'qualify' to have a current Dome badge to go to Guru Purnima here, -JaiGuruYou

 Really Doug? How about the vicious suits conducted by the TMO when anyone else 
offers say "Vedic Meditation"? Legal feud over teaching of transcendental 
meditation technique is anything but peaceful 


 I ran in to an academic out in the world at a conference who gets called on as 
an expert witness to testify in legal suits between contending yoga schools. 
These can be viscous suits between people over yoga. The deal is that yoga 
postures are only mentioned in a cursory way in just a couple places in the 
scriptures. ..Someplace in the B.Gita and someplace in Patanjali. But people 
try real hard to achieve legal exclusivity for reasons of money, empires and 
ego. Is good that pro-active government steps in periodically to thwart pure 
business self interest over spiritual/material things that might belong broadly 
to the people.

 salyavin808 writes:

 I'm sure all the independent TM teachers who have had nothing but trouble from 
the TMO just for trying to do what they were taught to do by the Reesh himself 
will be mighty relieved to hear you say that Buck!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dickmays@...> wrote :

 Over 1500 yoga asanas shortlisted to thwart patenting by foreign parties The 
government decided to form the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library after the 
bitter experience of some MNCs claiming patents for neem and turmeric in the 
last two decades.

 By: PTI http://indianexpress.com/agency/pti/ | New Delhi | Published:August 9, 
2015 11:54 am
Apart from trained yoga teachers, a team of AYUSH doctors would scrutinise the 
applications for a medical history and status to decide whether to allow them 
to attend the yoga sessions or not. In a move that will help thwart attempts by 
foreign MNCs and individuals to get patents and trademark on ancient yoga 
techniques, the government has shortlisted over 1500 asanas and videographed 
over 250, classifying them as “traditional knowledge” of the country.
 The initiative will be a part of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library 
(TKDL), a unit of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the 
Ministry of Science and Technology, which challenges claims made at several 
patent offices across the globe by individuals and MNCs.
 “Our experts have identified over 1500 yoga techniques from the literature 
available from our ancient texts and what is available now. Nearly 250 asanas 
have been video graphed already. It should take five or six months to complete 
the process, after which it can be the part of the database.

 PM Modi leads International Yoga Day celebrations, says it is 'more than just 
physical fitness' 
 Yoga does not discriminate, says UN chief Ban Ki-Moon 
 International Yoga Day: City yoga institutes flooded with queries, demands for 
teachers, sessions 
 Indians need to recover their rich heritage: Benoy K. Behl 
 No copyright over yoga, pranic healing techniques: HC 
 Yoga is as yoga does 

 “Once that happens, any attempt to claim patent on the Indian yoga techniques 
practiced since ancient time can be thwarted,” said Archana Sharma, head of 
 It has been observed that several patents have been issued in the West for 
various yoga techniques. Many have copyright on those.
 The government decided to form the TKDL after the bitter experience of some 
MNCs claiming patents for neem and turmeric in the last two decades. Getting a 
patent issued to a US MNC revoked for turmeric, alone cost over a million 
dollars in legal expenses, travel and other costs.
 Following this, it was decided to form TKDL. Today its database has over 2.93 
lakh medicines, their properties indicating that those have been traditionally 
used for cure in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha systems. The information is also 
present in Spanish, German, English, Japanese and French languages.
 The database is shared with the European Patent Office (EPO), United States 
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office 
(CIPO), German Patent Office (GPO), Intellectual Property Australia (IPA), 
Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and Chile Patent Office (CPO) under a 
“non-disclosure” pact.
 “So, every time when any individual or any MNC files for patent, the major 
patent offices refer to the TKDL base. On our part, a team is constantly 
monitoring the patents that are being filed. So, we also file pre-grant 
opposition. There have been cases when the patent applications were crossed 
checked with the TKDL database and queries were raised. Following that the 
applicants withdrew their claims.
 “Since 2009, TKDL has thwarted over 200 claims,” said Sharma.
 Over the past one month, India has thwarted two attempts at patenting Indian 
traditional medicines, which again included turmeric.
 Last month Europe’s Leading Dermaceutical Laboratory – Pangaea Laboratories 
Limited’s attempt to take patent on a medicinal composition containing 
turmeric, pine bark and green tea for treating hair loss was foiled.
 The same month, India thwarted another attempt by Colgate-Palmolive Company to 
patent a mouthwash formula containing herb (Nutmeg- Jayaphal) extract used in 
Indian traditional systems of medicine to cure oral diseases, at European 
Patent office.




  salyavin808 writes:

 I'm sure all the independent TM teachers who have had nothing but trouble from 
the TMO just for trying to do what they were taught to do by the Reesh himself 
will be mighty relieved to hear you say that Buck!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dickmays@...> wrote :

 Over 1500 yoga asanas shortlisted to thwart patenting by foreign parties The 
government decided to form the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library after the 
bitter experience of some MNCs claiming patents for neem and turmeric in the 
last two decades.

 By: PTI http://indianexpress.com/agency/pti/ | New Delhi | Published:August 9, 
2015 11:54 am
Apart from trained yoga teachers, a team of AYUSH doctors would scrutinise the 
applications for a medical history and status to decide whether to allow them 
to attend the yoga sessions or not. In a move that will help thwart attempts by 
foreign MNCs and individuals to get patents and trademark on ancient yoga 
techniques, the government has shortlisted over 1500 asanas and videographed 
over 250, classifying them as “traditional knowledge” of the country.
 The initiative will be a part of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library 
(TKDL), a unit of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the 
Ministry of Science and Technology, which challenges claims made at several 
patent offices across the globe by individuals and MNCs.
 “Our experts have identified over 1500 yoga techniques from the literature 
available from our ancient texts and what is available now. Nearly 250 asanas 
have been video graphed already. It should take five or six months to complete 
the process, after which it can be the part of the database.

 PM Modi leads International Yoga Day celebrations, says it is 'more than just 
physical fitness' 
 Yoga does not discriminate, says UN chief Ban Ki-Moon 
 International Yoga Day: City yoga institutes flooded with queries, demands for 
teachers, sessions 
 Indians need to recover their rich heritage: Benoy K. Behl 
 No copyright over yoga, pranic healing techniques: HC 
 Yoga is as yoga does 

 “Once that happens, any attempt to claim patent on the Indian yoga techniques 
practiced since ancient time can be thwarted,” said Archana Sharma, head of 
 It has been observed that several patents have been issued in the West for 
various yoga techniques. Many have copyright on those.
 The government decided to form the TKDL after the bitter experience of some 
MNCs claiming patents for neem and turmeric in the last two decades. Getting a 
patent issued to a US MNC revoked for turmeric, alone cost over a million 
dollars in legal expenses, travel and other costs.
 Following this, it was decided to form TKDL. Today its database has over 2.93 
lakh medicines, their properties indicating that those have been traditionally 
used for cure in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha systems. The information is also 
present in Spanish, German, English, Japanese and French languages.
 The database is shared with the European Patent Office (EPO), United States 
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office 
(CIPO), German Patent Office (GPO), Intellectual Property Australia (IPA), 
Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and Chile Patent Office (CPO) under a 
“non-disclosure” pact.
 “So, every time when any individual or any MNC files for patent, the major 
patent offices refer to the TKDL base. On our part, a team is constantly 
monitoring the patents that are being filed. So, we also file pre-grant 
opposition. There have been cases when the patent applications were crossed 
checked with the TKDL database and queries were raised. Following that the 
applicants withdrew their claims.
 “Since 2009, TKDL has thwarted over 200 claims,” said Sharma.
 Over the past one month, India has thwarted two attempts at patenting Indian 
traditional medicines, which again included turmeric.
 Last month Europe’s Leading Dermaceutical Laboratory – Pangaea Laboratories 
Limited’s attempt to take patent on a medicinal composition containing 
turmeric, pine bark and green tea for treating hair loss was foiled.
 The same month, India thwarted another attempt by Colgate-Palmolive Company to 
patent a mouthwash formula containing herb (Nutmeg- Jayaphal) extract used in 
Indian traditional systems of medicine to cure oral diseases, at European 
Patent office.

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