---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 There is potential for problems in Europe with a large influx of Muslim 
refugees. Muslims are not good at assimilating. Some European countries (France 
for example) now have considerable numbers of second- and third-generation 
Muslim immigrants who are outside the mainstream of society and disaffected. 
They do not fit in. They are unwilling to adopt the values of liberal, secular 
Western culture. They are also prone to violence and become easy recruits for 
radical Islamic jihadi groups that wish to destroy the West and impose their 
own values on us.  

 I can't take your word for this. I would have to do some extensive reading to 
come to understand what is true and what is false in what you say. There are 
always problems with any influx of anybody. There are problems when too many 
family members get together for a holiday, for pete's sake. I feel cultural 
diversity is healthy and desirable. I don't want a white bread culture and 
although I don't welcome violence from anyone (God knows the US has more than 
its share between its current residents already) I can not see how anyone could 
possibly predict how the Syrian families and individuals will enhance or 
detract from a country before they even have a chance to unpack the bags they 
don't possess.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 It's a funny old world, really. Germany gets some pretty tough raps for having 
a pretty virulent neo-Nazi movement as well as having had a robust population 
of real Nazis back in the middle of the last century but look at the country 
now. It seems this country is now showing itself to be, perhaps, the most 
welcoming and open to the current refugee crisis from Syria. I love to see it. 
There is not a country on the planet that doesn't have enough space or 
potential to take in thousands of these displaced human beings. If you look at 
the birth rate in any given country, the amount of humans that are added to any 
country's population in one single day, you will note that it exceeds any 
number that would correspond to incoming refugees. The difference: strangers vs 
family or fellow countrymen. I personally think Canada is a great place for at 
least a quarter of a million of these fleeing people. God knows we have the 
space and we have the resources and Canadians are pretty decent folk, generally 


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