From the MVS Thesaurus: 

 Description In 1957, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said that:   'Spiritual development 
is the birthright of everyone, for it is the unfoldment of the essential nature 
of the soul, or inner consciousness…. Soul is the individual property of 
everybody. It is the natural and inseparable possession, nay, the very 
existence, of every man. Everybody has the right to enjoy his own possession. 
Everybody has the right to enjoy the sat [truth] chit [Being] ananda [bliss] 
nature of his own soul. In the most natural manner, everybody has every right 
to enjoy permanent peace, bliss eternal, which is the nature of his own soul.'  
 -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Thirty Years Around the World—Dawn of the Age of 
Enlightenment, Volume One 1957-1964 (Netherlands: MVU Press, 1986), p. 195.   
Some people feel that the outer or material joys of life are opposed to, or 
diminish, the spiritual value, and that one has to give up, or become detached, 
from material values in order to achieve inner fulfillment.   Below is a short 
video of Maharishi reflecting on the topic of spirituality. Here Maharishi 
points out that inner spirituality does not conflict with the outer material 
value of life: See video 
on   Maharishi always said 
we should enjoy 200% of life—100% of the inner spiritual value along with 100% 
of the outer material value. He offered Transcendental Meditation as a simple 
way to integrate abstract absolute being with the concrete details of the 

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