
 IMO, the Vatican official is not calling to take back the holy land.  He is 
saying that ISIS is a destroyer of civilizations and thus can be appropriately 
called a satanic terrorist group.  The battle is not necessarily confined to 
the holy land.  The battle is in the Home land of all people on earth.

 If these terrorists are allowed to exist, they will soon infiltrate here in 
the USA.  They could just as easily attack the White House in Washington DC, to 
make their evil intentions known.  This act of infamy could be the trigger 
point for the US to lead nations in the world to send ground troops to Northern 
Syria to eliminate the ISIS dominion of that land.

 At the present time, the Obama administration is content degrade the 
terrorists through aerial bombing and to let the Iraqis and the Kurds do the 
ground fighting, which rightfully their duty.  But if the terrorists commit 
atrocities in any American city, the drums of war will be heard from east to 
west.  And, it will be an imperative to destroy ISIS in their homeland and 
wherever they hide.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 “In Christ” as in the Unified Field “there is no East or West”. But in the 
Vatican's own technical jargon is “satanic terrorist group” come to be some 
call for renewed crusade to take back the holy land?

  the people of the world should rise up to eliminate the members of IS to stop 
the violence and carnage in the Middle East and the rest of the world.

 Brussels is on the way to Jerusalem. I am not Catholic but I do feel to saddle 
my horse. 

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 Vatican Cardinal: Islamic State is a ‘Satanic Terrorist Organization’ 
emptybill@... wrote : Another stupid statement meant for fawning TMers or 
pseudo-believers. Islam prohibits worship, adoration or association with 
Iblis/Shaitan or his followers.

Contrariwise, many religious groups have actually declared the pope's role upon 
the Earth to be a spokesman for Satan. This Cardinal's declarations are 
signatures of a Catholic group mind-think. Plus psychopathic religiosity is a 
sure sign of robotic like conditioning. 

Bow Wow. Ruff Ruff. 
Got God?


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