I don't care one way or the other. David Orme Johnson does appear to have 
addressed this critic here:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <he...@hotmail.com> wrote :


 A Methodological Critique of a Test of the Effects of the Maharishi Technology 
of the Unified Field Philip A. Schrodt 
 University of Kansas
 Abstract The test of the effects of the “Maharishi Technology of the Unified 
Field” by Orme-Johnson et al. which appeared in the December 1988 issue of the 
Journal of Conflict Resolution contains several substantial methodological 
problems. First, the measurement of the critical independent variable governing 
whether an effect should be found does not correspond to the most obvious 
interpretation of the theory, an interpretation used in later studies of the 
same theory. If population is measured using geographical radius rather than 
political boundaries, the observed effects should not have occurred, yet the 
study finds them anyway. In addition, the study did not adequately control for 
the possibility of reverse causation (the effects causing the treatment) or 
properly test for the possibility of spurious relationships. Because validation 
of the theory would contradict virtually the whole of contemporary 
understanding of causality in social behavior, insistence on such additional 
measurement specifications, controls, and statistical tests prior to 
publication would not have constituted unreasonable “censorship” of the 
research in question.


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