Re "However, string theorists may be prone to making up their own rules.":

 Seeing this bizarre result I could see it was bonkers for the reasons I've 
given. But the fact that physicists use the identity did make me take a second 

 A website asks just this question: how did this wrong result make it into a 
physics textbook?

 I quote:

 "Suppose you take two conducting metallic plates and arrange them in a vacuum 
so that they are parallel to each other. According to classical physics, there 
shouldn't be any net force acting between the two plates.


 But classical physics doesn't reckon with the weird effects you see when you 
look at the world at very small scales. To do that, you need quantum physics, 
which tells us many very strange things. 

 One of them is that the vacuum isn't empty, but seething with activity. 
So-called virtual particles pop in and out of existence all the time. This 
activity gives a so called zero point energy. When you try to calculate the 
total energy density between the two plates you get the infinite sum [a sum 
similar to the one we've looked at].

 That’s unfortunate, because the sum diverges, which would imply an infinite 
energy density. 

 That’s obviously nonsense. 

 But what if you cheekily assume that the infinite sum equals the Riemann zeta 
function [don't ask!], rather than the Euler zeta function [don't ask!]? Well, 
then you get a finite energy density. That means there should be an attractive 
force between the metallic plates, which also seems ludicrous, since classical 
physics suggests there should be no force. But here’s the surprise. When 
physicists made the experiment they found that the force did exist — and it 
corresponded to an energy density exactly as predicted."

 Conclusion: bad mathematics can work if you're a quantum physicist.


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