Perhaps Mr Putin thinks that promoting organic food will redress the balance 
of some other home grown activities (which I’m sure Maharishi was not 
contemplating when he said that “Russia will be your rescue”? 
 In 2012, Rosoboronexport (Russia's exports/imports of defense-related and dual 
use products, technologies and services) received 1,877 enquiries from foreign 
clients, and, following consideration of the applications, 1,309 contracts were 
signed. This is 2.5 times more than in 2011. The most popular types of weaponry 
bought from Russia are Sukhoi and MiG fighters, air defense systems, 
helicopters, tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting 
vehicles.[8] Russian arms were exported to 60 countries. The most significant 
supplies went to countries in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region — 43 
percent. The second most significant market remains the Near and Middle East, 
together with North Africa — 23 percent.[2] For the period 2010-14, the 
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, found that Russian 
exports of major weapons had increased by 37 per cent between 2005-2009 and 
2010-14. Russia delivered weapons to 56 states and to rebel forces in eastern 
Ukraine in 2010–14. Three countries— India, China and Algeria—accounted for 
almost 60 per cent of total Russian exports. Asia and Oceania received 66 per 
cent of Russian arms exports in 2010–14, Africa 12 per cent and the Middle East 
10 per cent.[9]


 Russia might be our rescue but who will rescue the (increasingly) vast amounts 
of trafficked people and drug addicts?

  “Russian mafia…structure, according to Frederico Varese, a professor of 
criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international 
organized crime…is composed of 10 separate quasi-autonomous “brigades” that 
operate more or less independently of each other. The group does pool its 
resources, however, and the money is overseen by a 12-person council that 
“meets regularly in different parts of the world, often disguising their 
meetings as festive occasions,” Varesi says.
 …its bread and butter is the drug trade and human trafficking. Russian 
organized crime in general is heavily involved in the heroin trade that 
originates in Afghanistan: it’s estimated that Russia consumes about 12% of the 
world’s heroin, while it contains just 0.5% of the world’s population.”

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