‘Taharrush’: Authorities Fear Repeat of Cologne as Middle East Rape Culture 
Imported to Europe

 Following the mass sexual assault in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, German 
authorities are talking about the phenomenon of ‘Taharrush‘ — where large gangs 
of men attack and even rape women during major events.

 Taharrush has so far been confined to the Arab world, but with the huge 
migrant influx last year, authorities are now concerned the Cologne attacks 
could be the first example in Europe.
 'Taharrush': Authorities Fear Repeat of Cologne as Middle East Rape Culture 
Imported to Europe 
 'Taharrush': Authorities Fear Repeat of Cologne ... 
 Following the mass sexual assault in Cologne on New Year's Eve, German 
authorities are beginning to talk about the phenomenon of 'Taharrush'.
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