No one is out to punish anybody, but when the largest generators of wealth 
insist on more and more, at the expense of this country's economy and 
infrastructure, it is time to stop it. It is not a coincidence that since 
off-shoring, or stealing American jobs, began in the 80's, wages have stagnated 
in the US. Were the rich not rich enough in the 70's? Were they not buying 
enough yachts, cars and vacation homes?  

 Once the dry drunk Reagan began his campaign to hand over the country to his 
corporate contributors, the war was on - punish the middle class by destroying 
their purchasing power, and make up the difference by opening up overseas 
markets. It is a sickness Mike, and one that needs to be stopped. Now.

 Last, it is pretty flipping ironic that the CEOs live safe, well protected 
lives here in the US, ensuring that the products they use and the job sites 
they occasionally visit are safe too. If they love off-shoring so much, why 
don't they go live in India, Indonesia or Mexico?? The message is clear; 
exploit the workers through low wages and dangerous working conditions, while 
continuing to fly over their hovels in a fancy corporate jet, being served 
caviar by a personal attendant. Demonic is the only word coming to mind.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 And if that's not enough, Mexicans, as well as central Americans, cross our 
borders illegally, falsify documents and take jobs in our own country by under 
bidding our citizens. Then they apply for public assistance to supplement their 
low wages.

 But that's only part of the story. Why is Carrier moving to Mexico? It's 
cheaper and less complicated to do business there. Between unions constantly 
demanding higher wages and more benefits, government regulations and higher 
taxes, in order to be competitive, make a reasonable profit,  and risk fewer 
work interruptions, it may be necessary.
 Unfortunately, Bernie and Hillary's solutions will be higher taxes and more 
regulation which will mean more jobs moving over seas,fewer jobs here with more 
anger and resentment .
 You don't get ahead by getting even and that is how Democrats will approach 
this situation. They will want to punish the businesses moving over seas.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 5:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Realistic or Not....
 this is why people will vote for Donald Trump.

 He will make a blanket statement that this is not going to happen when he's 

 Watch 1,400 US workers learn their jobs are moving to Mexico
 Watch 1,400 US workers learn their jobs are moving to Me...
 A crowd of Carrier manufacturing workers erupted into anger Wednesday as they 
learned their plant...

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