No one will actually hand anyone else any money when the rich pay their fair 
share of taxes. Free higher ed and health care would work though. There really 
isn't anything wrong with treating people humanely. If the wealthy insist on an 
unregulated market, then they can damned well provide a safety net for the 
millions of ordinary citizens who regularly fall through the ever more common 
cracks in the economy, by paying their fair share of taxes. Nothing radical 
about it.  

 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 What do the uber- wealthy have to *give* you so that you can get ahead and be 
 You can give many people millions of dollars and in a few short years they are 
broke again.
 You can't give wisdom or management skills. They are learned.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 6:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: very compelling article
   The uber-wealthy share of taxes paid is down to 17% of their income. I never 
paid a tax rate that low. Ever. Considering that they control 25% of the wealth 
of the entire country, they ought to pay much more than 17%. That is obscene. 
And the reason I refer to it mental illness, is that they have cornered not 
only this staggering amount of wealth, but the entire country is now rigged to 
increase their wealth, at our expense. 

 We are not talking about a wealth of millions of dollars, a sum that would 
make the rest of us unimaginably rich. No, these are all multi-billionaires. A 
billion dollars is equal to a person living to a hundred years of age, and 
spending ten million dollars annually, nearly a million bucks a month, from 
infancy. That is just ONE billion. Incomprehensible. 

 Any time there is a bump in the economy, who benefits? The rest of us, who 
haven't seen wages rise in 55 years? Nope. Always the wealthy. 

 We keep hearing from the servants of the rich, the media and politicians, how 
we are a mighty and wealthy country, a world super power, and yet the game is 
now so strongly rigged *against* the efforts of the populace to get ahead, to 
have stable, prosperous lives, that no one is listening. 

 This could be easily fixed, by bumping the rate on taxable investments to say, 
30 to 40%, what the middle class typically pays of its stagnant wages to the 
Feds in taxes. Close some loopholes too. I am not asking the one percent to 
contribute unfairly, only to the degree that the rest of us do. There should 
not be this unspoken rule, that once we achieve a certain level of wealth, we 
are then above the law. The truly galling thing about this, is the rich would 
never miss it, wouldn't even notice.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 The wealthy pay less in taxes? C'mon now! The top 10% pay 70% of tax revenues. 
The remaining 90% pay 30%, while 47% pay next to nothing. 66% of spending is on 
Social programs i.e. SS, Medicare , Medicaid, Welfair, CHIP, etc. The remaining 
34% is on the military and the cost of running the government and  various 
discretionary spending.



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: very compelling article

   Its deeper than that. All of those voting have watched their parents work 
hard without getting ahead, and profits skimmed by the wealthy who pay less 
taxes. In addition, the 1.2 trillion in student debt hampers many graduates the 
chance for a fresh start, and they are the group supposedly driving the 
economy. Its a rigged system, now more than ever, and the incremental change 
offered by all of the candidates except Sanders, amounts to treating the 
symptoms but not curing the underlying cancer of growing economic inequality.

 Your quote by Benjamin Franklin is spot on, in light of all the crony 
capitalism going on, off shoring profits to avoid taxes, while pointing the 
finger at someone collecting food-stamps, or throwing people out of jobs that 
go overseas, and then complaining about them collecting unemployment for too 
many weeks. That kind of greed is a mental illness and must be stopped for the 
good of us all.
 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Yeah, Bernie definitely offers more *free* stuff than Hillary. Bernsie wants 
to offer *free* higher education to all. Hillary just wants you to pay lower 
interest rates on your student loans. If you were a student, who would you vote 
 When the people discover that they can vote themselves money, that will herald 
the end of the republic.
Benjamin Franklin.

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 8:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: very compelling article

   You know, he makes some excellent points.  It is true that Hillary is not a 
great campaigner and she gets defensive, which doesn't come across well all the 
time.  Politically, neither her logo or her slogan say it's about the people.  
They say it's about her.  It is true that Trump will do everything he can to 
lynch her and he won't let up.  If she defends, she loses.  He will continue to 
play on people's fear and she will be facing plenty of sexism, the kind that 
isn't talked about, but that surely exists in the minds of both men and women.  
The undermining has already started and has been quite effective.  I will agree 
that the more interesting match that would force us to choose ideologically 
would be a Sanders/Trump choice.  SuperTuesday is around the corner.   


---In, <> wrote :

 This is a very well argued article saying that Clinton cannot beat Trump but 
Sanders can. 

Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, A Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency | 
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