Agree with Doug that it was a fun presentation. Here are some notes I sent to 
Very well attended. Dalby packed and they had overflow in a second room too.
Insired by an event that occurred on Sept 9 2015. Both LIGO facilities, one in 
Louisiana and one in Washington state, received evidence of a gravitational 
wave, including a sound. (You can google LIGO.)
John called it a chirp but to me it sounded more like a gulp LOL!
Caused by the mergence of 2 black holes with each other a very long time ago 
(really big number I failed to record.). That released more energy than 1 
billion trillion suns, which is how many we have in our known universe. 
(Definitely a presentation packed with big numbers!)

Einstein had predicted gravitational waves but said we'd probably never be able 
to detect one because the conditions needed to create them are so extreme.
One of my favorite points is that though a black hole emits no light or info, 
everything that goes into it, is remembered. Totally cool!

      From: "William Leed [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Community Meeting w/ John Hagelin Can U share 
4 us some salient points of the talk,PLEASE!

-----Original Message-----
From: [FairfieldLife] <>
To: FairfieldLife <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 10, 2016 8:40 am
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Community Meeting w/ John Hagelin Today

Hagelin’s talk was to a packed room.  It was fun, he is fun. He is a good 
lecturer/teacher/professor.  It was a prepared lecture presentation with really 
good powerpoint slide graphics.  Went through Einstein and came forward to the 
present gravitational fields.  Was personable and very well taught.   
A lot of the old community here came out for it.  I don’t think it was  
recorded on video. He’ll probably record something later.  He had some really 
funny quips throughout that were inside jokes with us as a community   
A remarkable note about this scheduled lecture was that people did not need a 
Dome badge at all to get in.  In fact the presentation was advertised widely 
through local media for anyone to come.  Someone went through the local 
factories and put up posters too.  It was mostly ‘rus who came.  I did see one 
factory tough there.   

---In, <> wrote :

Please can you post a video of this talk, if there is one?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


Tuesday night March 8th

Dalby Hall - 7:45 PM

A Special Presentation by

Dr. John Hagelin

The Discovery of Gravitational Waves...

And what they mean for you!


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