if you are still eating fish,please read for the safety of your healththis 
article >>>

Is Your Fish Contaminated With Drugs?

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| Is Your Fish Contaminated With Drugs?More than 40 contaminants were detected 
in Puget Sound salmon, including some at levels that could harm their growth, 
reproduction and behavior. |
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Salmon are regarded as an indicator species, which means they serve as a 
measure of environmental conditions. The researchers examined juvenile Chinook 
salmon and Pacific staghorn sculpin, both of which are native to Puget Sound. 
More than 40 contaminants were detected in their tissues and some, namely 
Prozac, metformin and triclosan, were found at levels that could harm their 
growth, reproduction and behavior. No one knows how this chemical cocktail will 
affect fish, especially since they’re being exposed to a mixture of drugs at 
once, but it may mean adverse effects will occur at even lower concentrations. 

The study did not look into the health effects to humans of eating these 
contaminated fish, but the fish themselves could likely show some issues. Past 
research has found, for instance, that dilute concentrations of psychiatric 
drugs alter the behavior of fish....

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