Excellent 4 min video on the origins of Quakerism.  From this and other 
sources, I can find no evidence that Quakerism had significant influences from 
outside of the UK (for example, wandering Bishops from the Middle East, 
remnants of secret societies, etc; but rather during a transitional time in 
English Society, there were spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings in Fox and others, 
during the 1640's. The inner voice messages received by Fox provided him with a 
truly revolutionary epiphany,  unique in Protestant Europe at the time.:
 ....: that what you seek without (the Truth as provided by Jesus Christ), can 
be found from within.  As we have previously seen in the discussions of 
Quietism, such messages were also received in Catholic Europe around the same 
time or earlier, but met with much persecution and eventual extinction.  Thus, 
we can count Fox as being one of the greatest of Spiritual luminaries of the 
European Enlightenment era.

 How Quakerism Began https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmL_GhnXSJQ
 How Quakerism Began https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmL_GhnXSJQ Quaker Speak: 
Max Carter shares the story of George Fox, a Quaker who went seeking for 
spiritual answers and found them not in a church, but within. Max is ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmL_GhnXSJQ 
 Preview by Yahoo 

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