NO, I get the point. You're just defending the indefensible.

      From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2016 7:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes 
the next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness
    You seem determined to miss the point entirely. 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

One doesn't need to take two weeks off to travel cross country to learn the 
latest information. If a teacher's knowledge  wasn't sufficient to teach 
anymore, then it never was sufficient to teach in the first place. What kind of 
teachers did Maharishi create? The fact is , it was a money maker for the TMO 
and I'm assuming intended for  signing a new contract, tightening controls on 
the teacher. Not one teacher came out of that program a better teacher but a 
better controlled teacher....maybe.

  From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2016 4:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes 
the next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness
 That's a ridiculous comment. I was just making the point that people need to 
keep up with developments in their field, and that is all that recertification 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

One doesn't need a license to teach TM.So, you want the *state* to regulate the 
TM movement on how to operate?
Bet Maharishi would have taken his knowledge and money and left in a heart beat.
Hot under the collar? You can perceive it that way. I just say I washed my 
hands of their foolishness. I know a shake down when I see it. I don't need 
them anymore than they need me.
  From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 7:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes 
the next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness

 Many professions have a continuing ed. requirement which you have to fulfill 
iin order to keep your license to practice. I see nothing wrong at all in 
requiring recertification for teachers, so I'm puzzled about why you are so ho 
under the collar about it.  

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Doug, the TM movement keeps shooting it's self in the foot with it's policies. 
I guess the straw that broke the Camel's back for me was saying I couldn't 
initiate anyone  again unless I came back to Fairfield at their convenience, 
paid them a couple of thousand dollars and get re certified. I took that as a 
shakedown for money because they were hurting due to their own failed policies. 
Screw them and the horse they road in on. *Chances* are, I probably would never 
have initiated anyone again as it was but who knows. I'll honor their desire 
for me not to teach but If anyone ever asks me about a meditation technique, 
I'll send them to AOL before the TMO.

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 1:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes the 
next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness

 How could it have got so bad with thenumbers meditating in the Fairfield Dome 
That people can't or won't come back tothe recall?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

According to published records, by July1975 in the USA, just itself alone, had 
5799 TM initiators. Now we can'tget much better than a very couple of hundred 
meditating in the men's Dometogether.  After 1975 some more TM teachers and 
then TM governorswere trained up in years following. With 'citizens' added, 
something like 29000 peoplelearned the TM-sidhis in North America.  Now the 
Dome program gets 200 plus men tothe Dome group meditation and some smallish 
number of women are over meditating in their location.  People moved here to 
Fairfield to be a part of somethinglarge when the group meditation had two 
thousand or more attending.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

How could it have got to be so bad with thenumbers in the Fairfield Dome 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

'Collective meditation' was a majormajor tenet of Maharishi's all along, there 
quite evidently has beena failure of an administration of the meditation, a 
failure thataffected people's feelings about coming out for the 
communalcollective meditation. This is going to take a change in leadership 
culture to re-group the collapse of the Dome group TM meditation program.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

MMY: "This is what happens in the GoldenDomes,a wave of infinity spreads from 
one endof the Dome to the other end. But the wave is not constrained by 
thewalls. It permeates the whole collective conscious ~the whole fieldof 
unmanifest infinity. This is what you are here for. And as thegroup gets larger 
and larger, your experience will become moreprofound."     -July 2006, MMY 
inaugurating the Invincible AmericaAssembly

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

The movement’s administrative guidelines for the group meditation should be 
such that all of the guidelines can be put on to a web page, publicly for 
anyone to read.  If that can’t be done then there is something wrong with the 
guidelines or the persons holding them.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

The guidelines for the Dome meditation could be much streamlined down to what 
it essentially takes to administrate a course.  It is fair that there be 
guidelines for the running of any organization, meeting or course.  But these 
go beyond practicality. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

The movement’s guidelines as they exist essentially are tools of retribution 
that for decades have driven a whole movement of meditators away.  
It will take some large leadership to change that.  Their problem now is that 
this has gone on so long and the hurt enough that people have gone on, don’t 
care, and will not come back. It would take a large mediation to turn this 
around and have meditators come back to the Domes.  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

A large barrier to world peace here is the administrative guidelines themselves 
that are employed to interrogate and discipline old TM teachers as a 
gatekeeping to the group meditation. There is a judgement and retributive edge 
in there, a vindictiveness held in the guidelines that is of a stiffness in the 
business of the minds of some people in charge of the movement that has long 
thwarted the group meditation.  It is a cultural problem deep inside TM.  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

At the level of the practitioner it can all feel too much like going in to an 
interview with a McCarthy committee or the old East German police as someone 
starts an application for a Dome meditation badge.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

That is funny.Taping Rick's thesis to the doors?  In these times it would be 
scotch tapinga thesis to the glass Dome doors or pinning themon the walls 
nearby the doors where people read announcements as they come and go in to the 
" ..the historicity of the hammer blows of Wittenberg. In fact, the door of the 
Castle Church did serve as the official university bulletin board and was 
regularly used for exactly the kind of announcement Luther made when he called 
for a public disputation on indulgences.   But whether the event happened at 
two o'clock in the afternoon--or at all--is not the point. Copies of Luther's 
theses were soon distributed by humanist scholars all over Europe. Within just 
a few weeks, an obscure Augustinian monk in a backwater university town had 
become a household name and was the subject of chatter from Lisbon to 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Someone could nail Rick's old message to the University door.:-)
Reformation Day: Did Martin Luther really nail 95 theses on the castle door?
|  |
|  |     |  |     Reformation Day: Did Martin Luther really nail 95 theses... 
Millions of Christians still celebrate Oct. 31 as the symbolic beginning of the 
Protestant Reformation. |  |
|     View on    |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Are the three Drs. at the top of TM 15 years too late?  

15 years ago as FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups was born as a sounding board for 
the larger meditating community it was said then:

Rick Archer wrote then on Sept 14, 2001:
I’ve love to see a public announcement like the following from the Department 
of the Development of Consciousness (the people who give out the badges):
Dear Fairfield Sidhas and Governors,
First, we would like to publicly apologize for ever having excluded from the 
domes anyone who wanted to practice Maharishi’s program there. We would like to 
welcome everyone back on the condition that if you are in the dome, you promise 
to practice what you have learned from Maharishi – no more, no less. In turn, 
we promise to never again judge or exclude anyone for what they may choose to 
do with their private life. We possess neither the wisdom nor the right to do 
this. Let us all come together again in a spirit of love and acceptance, and 
begin once more to radiate the harmony and coherence for which the domes were 
Jai Guru Dev,
The Department of the Development of Consciousness

.....numbers flying in the domes would double overnight.
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              • ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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