Brilliant. Yes, two sides of the same coin, yet not letting go of the coin, 
which rusted through a long time ago. A dodge and distraction from life's 
procession. Both the followers and anti-followers create meaning around an 
object which cannot be perfected nor destroyed, perpetually. A spinning mirror 
to look into, transfixed, instead of simply dealing with the nature of life and 
our intimate relationship with it. The mind as the naked emperor, parading in 
front of its fantasies.  
---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Yeah, he be the MAHARAJA! I would guess his family has money, especially if 
he's a doctor and hung out with Maharishi a lot. I doubt he has had to spend 
much time in an emergency room or maintain a practice  fixing up people to pay 
off student loans.

 It is very apparent that the guy has money, and it makes sense to me. Why 
wouldn't a highly educated medical man have made a decent amount of money and 
has anyone (imagine!) considered that perhaps his wife has a good job? Or maybe 
there is family money as well. 
 As for some of these other people who became rajas and ranis, I've heard at 
least one and maybe more had to virtually beg for assistance to pay the million 
dollar fee. The TM movement is and always been full of idiots. I have my doubts 
as to whether many could have made it in the real world.

 I know for a fact they couldn't and didn't. There are so many airy fairy 
neurotics who crowd into the lineup to see their current favorite guru or who 
run, feverishly, to jump on some bandwagon that sounds like the next greatest 
thing. There are many "misfits" and just plain strange human beings on this 
Earth and we have a small proportion right here on FFL (not to mention over at 
number 2) who fell into that category and who still appear (as of my last 
viewing of them before the Great Divide) just as obsessed as ever with the 
Movement and what it's up to or how they can work out their unresolved feelings 
about having been screwed by MMY and those who were his "henchmen". You really 
have to wonder what it would take for many of them to simply move on and make 
an effort to unencumber themselves from it all. Personally, I sense a kind of 
addiction - as twisted as it actually is. The irony of it all is many of these 
obsessors think of themselves as unattached just because they have a negative 
opinion. It doesn't matter whether one's opinion is negative or positive; as 
long as you keep obsessing and showing interest you're still very much involved.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:38 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tony Nader's new lot


---In, <rick@...> wrote :


 I just read this. Isn't Tony Nader one of the Rajas? Or is he just a 
scientist/doctor? Not having been a follower of what goes on in the TM Movement 
since 1985 I presume this is news - the fact that he has some bucks? If you're 
a Raja don't you have had to have donated a wheelbarrow full of money or 
something? If that is the case, the amount is $1m (?) then it comes as no 
surprise that someone has a lot more than that in their bank account. Only an 
idiot would donate $1m and not have at least $10m in the bank, minimum. 



  • [FairfieldLife] Tony N... 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]
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