A unified base income for meditating too,, 

 Switzerland evidently is feeling the 'Bern' too.

 "In Switzerland over 50% of total work that is done is unpaid. It's care work, 
it's at home, it's in different communities, so that work would be more valued 
with a basic income."

 Switzerland is voting on whether to introduce a guaranteed basic income for 
every citizen, becoming the first country to hold such a vote.

 The proposal calls for adults to be paid an unconditional monthly income, 
whether they work or not.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 A Universal Income.

 In Fairfield, Iowa $800 a month to be full meditating in the Dome for a month 
was mostly not enough for many to stay long-term in the Domes meditating. Most 
needed Social Security income on top of the $800 stipend also to do it 
individually. Or if not on social security then a couple earning $800 each 
worked for some. Hence a lot of the Invincible Assembly was grey-haired on 
social security to make it happen. Now that the 800 a month Settle grant money 
is gone most of the Invincible Assembly meditators in the Domes melted away of 
necessity. Basic need now evidently runs too much for people to be able to even 
meditate regularly together in the Domes in Fairfield. Too damned much 
necessity. Things need to be re-calculated for most everyone's benefit. It 
might take some sacrificing. 


 How much is really enough essentially to be able to meditate freely/ What 
would be Basic Living in Switzerland to just be a meditator? The USA. China. 
Brazil. Greenland. South Africa. To have a standard of enough time and income 
to meditate standard in the working day. Twice a day.

 A Universal Income 

 “Switzerland, one of the world's wealthiest countries, is engaged in an 
intense process of soul searching - about money.” 



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