You're seriously misrepresenting my views and putting words in my mouth. 

 To you, every negative story about the Clintons, whether there's any evidence 
for it or not, represents catching them with their pants down. Me, I want to 
see the evidence. (And that goes for negative Trump stories as well as negative 
Clinton stories.)

 There's zero evidence the Clintons had anything to do with the Trump rape 
story. But as far as you're concerned, all that claim needs to be classified as 
true is for someone to make it.

 FYI, the Trump rape story has been shopped around to bloggers and journalists 
for almost a year; and a civil suit was filed in California in April but was 
thrown out. (Trump, of course, has denied the accusations.)

 Now that a federal suit has been filed in New York, however, the story has 
grown major legs; it's all over the Web (Google it), including on


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 ROFLMAO! You're a real, died in the wool, True Believer. Nothing she or Bill 
can do is wrong, if caught doing something shady, then they were forced into 
it. It's always a vast right wing conspiracy with them and only idiots and True 
Believers fall for it.
  Once again, the Clinton's and their TB's are caught with their pants down.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2016 12:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens
   Like I said, you're a real bottom-feeder. Disgusting.



 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Look at what has happened to the other women that have had to put up with 
Clinton's unwanted sexual advances. I think she felt helpless and thought long 
and hard about going up against the top law enforcement politician in the state.

 Each time Hillary started in on Trump about women, Trump brought up Bill and 
she shut up. They had to get something figured out. Took them a while to get 
this crap going about raping a thirteen year old girl. Trump hits back and much 
harder, something the Clinton's aren't used to.
As I said, it's not holding water. Nobody is paying attention to it. It's not 
getting any traction. It's obviously a Clinton attempt to counter Trump.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2016 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens



---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Broderick was dealing with the then Attorney General of Arkansas, William 
Jefferson Clinton, the person she accused of raping her in her own hotel room.

 Actually Broaddrick wasn't "dealing with him." But she could have had him 
charged with rape if she wanted to.

 She had witnesses of the aftermath, a bloodied, bruised, and swollen upper lip 
which she claims he bit in order to keep her from screaming during the attack.

 She screams with her lips?

 it would be nice if both took a polygraph, although Hillary says she has lost 
her confidence in them.

 You did notice the date of the affidavit regarding Trump and alleged rape of 
thirteen year old girl, June 18 2016? Does that sound suspicious to you?


 Not particularly, no.

 The first time Hillary attacked Trump on women, Trump slammed her back with 
Bill's exploits and warned her *never go there* and she backed off. This 
happened a couple of times as I recall.

 Um, so she *didn't* back off, she came back and did it again.

 The idea of Trump "warning" Hillary about anything is laughable.

 Of course there is a lot of talk about Clinton with under aged girls in the 
Bahamas at wild parties, I believe with Mark Rich.

 There's always been a lot of talk about the Clintons. The question is, how 
much of it is true? Look at how badly you screwed up on the ludicrous story 
about Hillary's defense of the accused rapist.

 The Clinton's had to *inoculate* themselves from their past and possible 
future, by accusing Trump of something worse first,

 Oh, jeez, Mike, can you be any more ridiculous? What have they accused him of 
besides misogyny? And it's not as if his misogyny wasn't already obvious. 
Hillary's just calling attention to it.

 Besides which, if he believes Bill Clinton is a rapist and "one of the worst 
abusers of women" in U.S. history, why did he invite Bill and Hillary to his 
wedding and pose for a photo with them (with Bill's arm around his new wife's 

 so Hillary may continue with what she originally was going to say in respects 
to Trump and women.


 She will if and when she thinks it's called for.

 So far, it's not holding any water. It sounds like something the Clinton's 
would do.

 What would it look like if it were "holding water"? (What does that even mean?)


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2016 3:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens

   Of course. Just wanted to know who you thought the accuser was.

 Broaddrick's accusation is hardly straightforward. After untold oodles of 
investigation, it still hasn't been confirmed; it remains he said-she said. She 
never had charges brought against Clinton, and she denied the rape rumors in an 
affidavit to Paula Jones's lawyers, although she later "told all" to NBC and 
the Wall Street Journal editorial page. So we still don't know if her story is 

 In any case, my original point was that your claim that the suit against Trump 
makes him "doubly qualified to be president by Democratic standards" is just 
extraordinarily meanspirited nonsense. No Democratic president has ever even 
been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl.



 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 How many rapes?
 Juanita Brodrick
 Hmmm,. sound familiar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2016 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens



---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 How many does it take?

 How many does it take to what??

 And, again, how many was it? Below you refer to "the rape victim," so I gather 
there was only one who accused him of rape. Who was it?
 As for the woman accusing Trump, listen to what she has to say and let her 
have her day in court. At least she'll have one.

 I'm guessing she won't. Trump is too powerful. I just hope she doesn't meet 
wih a mysterious fatal "accident." More likely, he'll arrange for her to be 
paid off to withdraw the suit and keep silent.



 Clinton's victims had to deal with the powerful politicians. The rape victim 
had to deal with the attorney general of Arkansas, her rapist.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2016 9:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens



---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 The women's stories  that accused him is good enough for me. There are way too 

 How many have accused him of rape?

 And those that have made such charges, didn't  exactly give him his 
reputation. I think it was Hillary that said every woman should be believes 
when they make that charge. Except when it involves her or her interests.

 So we should believe the woman who is suing Trump for raping her when she was 
13 years old, right?

 It's one thing to believe every woman *when they make the charge*. It's quite 
another to continue to believe them when it turns out the evidence for the 
charge is flimsy or nonexistent.

 That story has been out  for months and I had already checked SNOPES. They 
don't exactly deny it, although they seriously massage it to make it not sound 
so bad.

 Translation: They present the facts, which show that it's the nonfacts 
parroted by right-wingers like you that make it sound so bad.

 Did you listen to her taped interview?

 Yeah, she laughed when she said the guy passed a polygraph. Made her lose all 
confidence in them she said.

 Which questions and answers was she referring to, specifically?

 Nowhere did she laugh about the outcome of the case.

 Got the guy a reduced sentence because some evidence had been mishandled.


 Did you actually read the Snopes page? The girl and her mother pressured the 
prosecutor for a plea deal to avoid the girl having to testify at trial 
(understandably). The prosecutor reduced the charge, and the judge then reduced 
the sentence.

 She had to do it though... as a favor. A *favor* she said in the tape. Sounds 
like one of those sniper stories.


 Snopes quotes the *prosecutor* as confirming that she didn't want to take the 
case when the judge appointed her and tried hard to get out of it. But she got 
stuck with it.

 Right-wingers like you don't believe in due process (unless they or their 
interests are on trial, of course). You don't think the lawyer for the accused 
has an ethical obligation to do his or her best for the client. You think he or 
she should flout judicial ethics and allow the accused to be convicted and 
punished without making the best possible case.

 If you did believe in due process, there would be no way for you to smear 
Hillary with her involvement in this case.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, July 1, 2016 9:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Plot Thickens



---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Clinton raped older women and molested them.

 And the proof is...? 

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