There's more to having a good moral compass than just being law-abiding, first of all. There's more to morality than laws.
Second, you're drawing entirely unwarranted conclusions about what atheist leaders would do and why. You're just making assumptions without any real facts to back them up. Again, read the comments on the article for some valid objections to this dude's remarks about wars. Oh, and you might want to see if you can find statistics on child sexual abuse among atheists vs. among priests, because you're just making off-the-top-of-your-head assumptions there as well. ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote : Judy, I understand what you're saying. Priests who are sexually abusing others, although they know it's wrong are the signs of the fallen nature of human beings. It's called the original sin in the bible. If this sin is prevalent among those who profess faith, IMO it is more so among atheists. MMY would say that all sentient beings in the world are unawakened to their true status as cosmic beings. It is only through the repeated practice of meditation that enlightenment appears like a dye on a cloth. Atheists who are law abiding do so because they fear the existing laws in society which can put them in jail if they misbehave. If they become the law, like Stalin and Lenin, who's to stop them from killing their enemies or those who disagree with their material principles?