Yes, a near endless parade of losers and malcontents, nursed at the teat of Fox 
news and hate radio. Whiny little children who keep insisting their incoherent 
fantasy of America is the Right One. Pathetic, and flaming out quickly. It will 
be interesting to watch them all act out like two year olds when a woman is 
elected President. 

The problem is a complete inability to learn or adjust. First they tried Bush 
who fucked things up so badly, he and Cheney practically ended civilization as 
we know it, including bringing about the worst attack ever on American soil. 
Then their answer to that complete debacle is...Trump. They can't seem to get a 
clue, except to prop up garbage 'exposes' on whomever they don't like. 
---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Mike is just parroting what he picked up from a film by an exceedingly scummy 
right-winger and convicted felon named Dinesh D'Souza: 

 ‘Hillary’s America’ lacks historical truths
 ‘Hillary’s America’ lacks historical truths
 Dinesh D’Souza picked a perfect time to release the documentary “Hillary’s 
America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,” coming out on the h...

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 ---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Is this the latest dodge from the Republicans? You would think cramps would've 
set in long ago from all the impotent finger-pointing they do. Republicans 
these days are all about pointing out failures and issues with the actions of 
the opposition party and candidates, having accomplished nothing but failure 
themselves. It is so empty-headed to simply focus on the drumbeat of supposed 
negative actions by those they oppose, much of it exaggerated for effect. What 
a party of emptiness, nothingness, and loss. No message, and no candidate, only 
hatred and opposition.  

 It won't get them far. America doesn't have to become great again. It already 
is, and simply because a bunch of bigots can't deal with the ongoing legacy of 
consensus in this country, and a black guy as President, they make it out that 
the country is in the worst shape ever, being led by criminals, etc. Bunch of 
racists and misogynists spreading a hateful message. The air is leaking from 
that balloon rapidly, and will never sustain a party based on such low values. 
Looks like Clinton in November, no problem. 
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Identifying 1980 as the beginning of the GOP stranglehold on the South is not 
historically accurate. It started in 1964 with Goldwater. In 1968 the South 
went for George Wallace. In 1972 the South went for Nixon. Carter's 1976 
victory is the ONLY election since 1960 in which the Democratic candidate won a 
majority of the states in the deep South.


 The *Jig* was up for the Democrats by 1964.The party of slavery, segregation, 
Jim Crow, eugenics,couldn't continue. The Supreme Court was shutting down 
segregation. It had to revamp. The scam had to change in order to stay alive. 
Lyndon B. Johnson noted that there were more blacks registering to vote in 
Texas than whites. He said" I have to give them something, not much, but enough 
to keep them quiet. I'll have  niggers voting Democratic for the next two 
hundred years." He began his Great Society campaign. He created the Welfare 
system, with welfare checks, food stamps, section 8 housing etc. All a woman 
had to do was raise her family without a man. No husband, no male roll model in 
the house. Thus he recreated the *new*  slave plantation. The new massa was the 
federal government with the intent of keeping it run by Democrats. Do as I say 
if you want to keep what you've got. These benefits were also extended to the 
newly arriving immigrants and this is the purpose of new immigration reform, to 
insure another 10-20 million new Democratic voters. It's all a scam for 
political power for self enrichment. The people receiving these benefits rarely 
rise out of their station and go from one generation to the next while the 
Party bosses thrive. You ever know a politician to retire *not* significantly 
better ff than when he was first elected? What is the state of poverty today as 
opposed to 1964? About the same.

 From: "Tom Huffman tom@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2016 8:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes
   I didn't mention it because that was a remnant of a Republican Party that no 
longer exists. Just like the Democratic Party, the Republicans were split 
between between Northern and Midwestern liberals and moderates (the true 
descendents of Lincoln) on one side and conservatives on the other. Starting in 
1964, and becoming fully realized in the Reagan years, the conservatives 
completely took over the party. Goldwater lost the election, but he was 
enthusiastically supported by Ronald Reagan (who campaigned for him), and like 
Goldwater Reagan opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The hostility expressed 
towards civil rights was a minority opinion in the Republican Party of 1964, 
but by 1980 the Goldwater/Reagan wing completely controlled the Party and the 
Northern Republican party had all but disappeared (there is not a single GOP 
House member remaining from New England).
 "Goldwater was never elected and the Republican party distanced themselves 
from him since." Where did you get the idea that the GOP has "distanced" itself 
from Barry Goldwater? Nothing could be further from the truth. Goldwater 
inaugurated the movement that Reagan inherited, which then completely took over 
the Party. Far from distancing themselves from him, Goldwater is correctly 
viewed as a founding father of the modern conservative movement.
 "More Republicans, who were the minority party, voted for the Civil Rights Act 
than Democrats." Nope. Look it up. In the Senate 45 Democrats voted for it, 
compared to 27 Republicans. In the House 153 Democrats voted for it, compared 
to 136 Republicans. However, aside from these numbers, the important point is 
that ALL of the Democratic No votes came from the South, the inheritors of the 
Southern Democratic Party of 1860. This wing of the party no longer exists. It 
has been completely taken over by Republicans, initially led by Strom Thurmond 
(another famous segregationist) who switched parties in 1964.
 Denying that the GOP took over what used to be the Southern Democratic Party 
because only 1% switched parties is just silly. Very few politicians formally 
switch parties. It is a rare event for ANY reason. That has nothing to do with 
the historical transformation of the Parties that began in 1964.
 All of the examples you provide of Republican support for and Democratic 
opposition to civil rights occur well before 1980. Those political parties are 
dead and have been for 45 years.

 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]
 Saturday, July 23, 2016 8:48 AM

   Of course you didn't mention that the Civil Rights Act wouldn't have passed 
without Republican support, nor the Voting Rights Act or Women's Suffrage . 
More Republicans, who were the minority party, voted for the Civil Rights Act 
than Democrats.Goldwater was never elected and the Republican party distanced 
themselves from him since. George Wallace was a life long Democrat. It's 
commonly said by Democrats that all the Southern segregationist Democrats 
became Republicans. Dinesh D'Souza points out in his film that actually only 
about 1% of them did. The rest *died on the vine* as Southern Democratic 
strategies changed..The south went strongly Republican as a result of the 
failed Jimmy Carter administration. They've been strong Republican states 
since, with the exception of two Southern white boys named Clinton and Gore who 
brought those states back to the Republican party.

 The only thing that the Republicans would have in common with Jefferson Davis 
is a belief in a  strong tenth amendment, limitations of the federal 
government. Davis would never have supported abolition,full civil rights and 
full citizenship for former slaves, Women's Suffrage, the Civil Rights Act, the 
Voting Rights Act, Federal troops enforcing integration of the Little Rock 
Schools. These were targeted means of limiting the tenth amendment, strongly 
supported by Republicans with strong opposition by Democrats.


 From: "Tom Huffman tom@... mailto:tom@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2016 1:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

   The Democratic Party was split in 1860 between the Northern and Southern 
Democrats. The main point of contention was the status of slavery in the 
western territories. The Southern Democrats wanted to ensure the right to own 
slaves in the territories, and potential new states. The Northern Democrats 
wanted to leave the issue of slavery up to the residents of the territory. 
Thus, saying that the Democratic Party "supported slavery" and "expansion of 
the slave states" is an accurate description of the Southern Democratic Party 
only, the party of secession. However, the Northern Democrats did support 
enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, though even Lincoln's record on this is 
mixed. The act was not repealed until 1864, and it was sporadically enforced 
throughout Lincoln's first term.
 Yes, the Republicans "were" the abolitionist party, with emphasis on the past 
tense. Starting in 1964, however, the GOP underwent a profound transformation. 
Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act resulted in the 
Republicans winning Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South 
Carolina, the first time the GOP had won the deep South in a Presidential 
election since Reconstruction. In 1968 the same states mostly voted for George 
Wallace, at the time an unrepentant segregationist. Since then, the deep South 
has been solidly Republican, with the exception of 1976 and 1992 when 2 
Democratic Southern governors (Carter and Clinton) were able to attract 
significant southern support.
 The Republican Party may have began as the party of Lincoln. However, for the 
last 50 years it has been the party of Jefferson Davis.

 Tom Huffman mailto:tom@...
 Saturday, July 23, 2016 1:28 AM

 The Democratic Party was split in 1860 between the Northern and Southern 
Democrats. The main point of contention was the status of slavery in the 
western territories. The Southern Democrats wanted to ensure the right to own 
slaves in the territories, and potential new states. The Northern Democrats 
wanted to leave the issue of slavery up to the residents of the territory. 
Thus, saying that the Democratic Party "supported slavery" and "expansion of 
the slave states" is an accurate description of the Southern Democratic Party 
only, the party of secession. However, the Northern Democrats did support 
enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, though even Lincoln's record on this is 
mixed. The act was not repealed until 1864, and it was sporadically enforced 
throughout Lincoln's first term.
 Yes, the Republicans "were" the abolitionist party, with emphasis on the past 
tense. Starting in 1964, however, the GOP underwent a profound transformation. 
Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act resulted in the 
Republicans winning Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South 
Carolina, the first time the GOP had won the deep South in a Presidential 
election since Reconstruction. In 1968 the same states mostly voted for George 
Wallace, at the time an unrepentant segregationist. Since then, the deep South 
has been solidly Republican, with the exception of 1976 and 1992 when 2 
Democratic Southern governors (Carter and Clinton) were able to attract 
significant southern support.
 The Republican Party may have began as the party of Lincoln. However, for the 
last 50 years it has been the party of Jefferson Davis.

 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]
 Friday, July 22, 2016 7:58 PM

   Dinesh D'Souza goes much deeper into this in his new film,"Hillary's 
America". The Republicans were the abolitionist party and the Democrats were 
the party of the status quo, who supported slavery and the return of runaway 
slaves to their owners and the expansion of slave states..

 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

   The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... Learn more at: 
Historian Garry Adelman gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an...

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 yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]
 Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM

   The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... Learn more at: 
Historian Garry Adelman gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an...

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