I well in joys attended each of those assemblies. 
I note my Quaker Society of Friends ancestors enjoyed hte silence of hte SELF 
in htere homes or meeting homes -- hoses as well as I have. THANKS 4 this fine 
post Douglas!

-----Original Message-----
From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Aug 11, 2016 5:12 am
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Activism -The Historic 
Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :


"No country is enjoyingfreedom today. . . “Are you really enjoying freedom?”  
Throughoutthe world there is a wave of fear -fear of annihilation, ofterrorism, 
of conflicts and violence, of the unforeseen that couldcome at any time 
anywhere on earth.  This fear of indefiniteness inevery nation is not a sign of 
the joy of freedom.  Lack of freedom,dependence, fear of life -these prevail.

This is the reason everynation inevitably has become alerted to amass the means 
of defense.The bigger the amassing of means of defense, the greater 
thedeclaration of fear prevailing in that nation and its government.

It is the inner enemy ofviolence, fear, and weakness in the nation itself that 
makes it amassthe means of defense.  But what one amasses in the name of 
defenseare the means of destruction, the means of offense.  “Defense” isjust a 
meaningless word.  

In reality, the wordexisting in the policies of governments is “offense.”  The 
wholehuman race for such a long, long time has been in the clutches ofwrong 
thinking, wrong understanding.  Only ignorance has been guidingthe world.  Due 
to that, offensive means were talked about in termsof defense."

"Now the Age ofEnlightenment has dawned;  . . . The Technology of the Unified 
Fieldoffers the perpetual means of defense, by which real freedom can beenjoyed 
by all."

"Natural law is the elementthat can make the nation invincible.  National 
consciousness must bein alliance with natural law, and for that a nation needs 
only thesquare root of one percent of its population trained as experts inthe 
Technology of the Unified Field.  When all trends in life arenaturally 
evolutionary there is no fear; there is increasing joy,increasing satisfaction, 
increasing happiness, improving economy,increasing wealth.  Everything in 
national life will prosper.  Thatis a real means of defense."

"The best means of defenseis to radiate this enrichment, to radiate an 
influence of harmony tothe neighbor.  Feed the neighbor with increasing charm, 
harmony, andhappiness.  Let these beautiful, positive qualities be radiated 
fromthe national consciousness.  A soothing, fresh air will always comefrom the 
border of the country.  Then all its neighbors will alwayslove that country.  
The way to independence and self-reliance, theway to be completely free from 
fear, is to amass positiveself-sufficiency tha belongs to the Unified Field of 
Natural Law.Radiate that unified influence to the neighboring countries, 
andone's own country will always be loved by all those that surround it.This is 
how to defend oneself."

"We invite all governmentsto raise their nations to true self-sufficiency, the 
real means ofdefense."

Unified Field BasedDefense: Invincibility

"The Ideal of Defense isinvincibility.  Invincibility is a state of 
self-sufficiency.  Theideal of self-sufficiency and invincibility is found in 
nature at thelevel where the unified field of all the laws of nature is 
eternallyself-sufficient.  That is an eternal state of invincibility, 
thehighest level of invincibility, which cannot be touched by anyone."

1985- "To be really strong andreally sovereign in one's own existence one needs 
the strength ofnature, the organizing power of nature.  One needs the 
masterlyskills through which nature governs the universe without a problem.That 
self-sufficiency and invincibility belonging to the unifiedfield of all the 
laws of nature can easily be gained by anyindividual and any nation through 
this technology.  I wish that allindividual, all government, and all 
non-governmental organizations inthe world rise to self-sufficiency through the 
use of the Technologyof the Unified Field."

-Life Supported by NaturalLaw

Lectures by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
World assembly on VedicScience, July 9-17, 1985


5,600 experts inthe Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field from 48 countries 
andall 50 states of the United States gathered in Washington, D.C.,from July 
9-17, 1985, for the World Assembly on Vedic Science.  Theycollectively 
practiced the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Fieldto create a powerful 
upsurge of coherence in world consciousness, thefoundation for permanent world 

1984,   Inspired by the'Global Taste of Utopia', Maharishi begins to establish 
theirreversibility of the  'Global Maharishi Effect' for maintainingcoherence 
in world consciousness for all time through the power ofpure knowledge, which 
is endowed with the infinite organizing powerof Natural Law.

Maharishi Formulates hisUnified Field-Based Integrated Systems of Education, 
Health,Government, Economics, Defense, Rehabilitation, and Agriculture,which 
will perpetuate the forthcoming Unified Field-based IdealCivilization 
-Samhita-Based Civilization-  Vedic Civilization.

A wave of inspirationthroughout the world to create groups of 7,000 'Yogic 
Flyers'-experts in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field- in 

1983-4  7,000 'YogicFlyers' – experts in the Maharishi Technology fo the 
Unified Field-gather at the Maharishi International University (MIU), 
Fairfield,Iowa, U.S.A., to create the first Global Maharishi Effect 
throughoutthe world -a strong influence of harmony and positivity in 
worldconsciousness, described by the MIU family as the 'FIRST TASTE OFUTOPIA'.  
During this three-week period of this '7,000' World PeaceAssembly”, the rise of 
positive trends throughout the world arewell documented by scientific research, 
and by the world press.

1981,  Maharishi conductsthe First International Vedic Studies Course in New 
Delhi and withthe quiet performance of the international assembly of 
3,000Governors of the Age of Enlightenment practicing his Vedic 
Technology-”Yogic Flying” - calms down the growing violent tendencies inIndia, 
demonstrating the rise of Sattwa (balance in Nature).

Having proven thereliability of the Maharishi Effect irrespective of 
culturaldifferences in the world, as a scientist Maharishi proceeds tomeasure 
the invincibility of the Maharishi Effect.

Maharishi test thisformula by sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to 
the mosttrouble spots on earth (Iran, Rhodesia, Nicaragua) to create 
theMaharishi Effect and calm down violence.  

1979  The First AnnualWorld Peace Assembly of Governors of the Age of 
Enlightenment is heldin the U.S.A to create coherence in national and world 


Discovery of the “ExtendedMaharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the 
populationpracticing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place 
producescoherence in collective consciousness promoting positive andprogressive 
trends in society.  Maharishi tests this formula bysending Governors of the Age 
of Enlightenment to the most troubledspots on earth to calm the violence and 
turbulence.  Again scientificresearch validates the success of this program. 

12 January 1977

Creating an Ideal Society:

. .people currentlypracticing the Transcendental Meditation technique are 
constantlyintensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the Age 
ofEnlightenment.  The dawn is rising to the day.

The influence oforderliness generated from the state of infinite 
correlationexperienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is 
sopowerful that even one per cent of the people in society practicingthe 
Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralizenegative 
tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to communitylife as a whole.

The phenomenon of apowerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community ornation when a small fraction of the population practices 
theTranscendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect[ME].

Considering the [Maharishi]Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in 

“Sudden sharp changes from relativelydisordered to much more ordered states may 
be considered 'phasetransitions' as described in the physical sciences.  For 
instance,water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules in 
theliquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when thetemperature 
is lowered to 0 degree C.  Physicists are now beginningto explore the possible 
applications of phase transition models tosudden sweeping changes in individual 
and social systems . .Transitions to more orderly configurations are frequently 
mediated bythe influence of a few individuals from within a population.  
Sucheffects are observed in developing systems of many sorts.  Forinstance, in 
the embryo prior to the formation of any organs, a smallcluster of cells is 
known as 'The Primary Organizer'.  These fewcells determine the developmental 
fates of the multitude ofundifferentiated and unordered cells comprising the 
rest of theembryo.”

Candace Borland, Ph.D., and GarlandLandrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through theTrancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' in 
ScientificResearch on the Transcendental Meditation Program:  Collected 
Papers,Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow,Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976

Asmore and more cities rose to one percent of the population 
practicingTranscendental Meditation, scientific research found that not onlydid 
crime decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other negativetrends also 
decreased, and positivity increased.  Research scientistsnamed this phenomenon 
the 'Maharishi Effect' in honor of Maharishi.

Asearly as,

“In1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditationprogram, 
predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderlyand harmonious 
functioning would occur when a small fraction -on theorder of one percent- of a 
population practiced the TranscendentalMeditation technique (6), and in 
December 1974 we found that crimerate did decrease in four midwestern U.S. 
Cities in which one percentof the population was practicing the TM technique.”

Candace Borland, Ph.D., and GarlandLandrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through theTrancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' in 
ScientificResearch on the Transcendental Meditation Program:  Collected 
Papers,Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow,Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976

12 January 1972 Maharishiinaugurated the World Plan to “eliminate the age-old 
problems ofmankind in this generation.”  

Right from the beginningof his movement, Maharishi predicted that even a small 
number of theworld's population practicing his Transcendental Meditation 
techniquecould neutralize the stress being built up in the worldconsciousness, 
thus averting conflicts and wars. 

In 1974 these predictions werevalidated by scientific studies showing that in 
cities where onepercent of the population learned the transcendental 
Meditationtechnique there was a sudden decrease in crime rates.

By 1974 more than one million peoplethroughout the world had learned the 
practice of TranscendentalMeditation and were experiencing higher states of 
consciousness.With this, world consciousness was already becoming 
increasinglypurified.  Furthermore, people everywhere were experiencing 
thepractical benefits of the development of higher states ofconsciousness in 
all aspects of their daily life, including greaterhappiness, peace, and 
harmony.  A growing body of scientific researchwas validating the beneficial 
effects this practice had on all levelsof mind, body, and behavior of the 

Itwas at this time that research scientists discovered that in citieswhere one 
percent of the population was practicing TranscendentalMeditation, the cities' 
crime rates decreased.  As more and morecities rose to one percent of the 
population practicingTranscendental Meditation, scientific research found that 
not onlydid crime decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other negativetrends 
also decreased, and positivity increased.  Research scientistsnamed this 
phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi.

With this formula,Maharishi realized that it was now easily practical to 
producepositive trends in all cities throughout the world.  With 
thisinspiration, Maharishi envisioned a new age dawning for mankind.  On12 
January 1975, he inaugurated the dawn of the Age of Enlightenmentproclaiming, 
“Through the window of science I see the dawn of theAge of Enlightenment.”

This is the time of thedawn of the Age of Enlightenment.  I am only giving 
expression to thephenomenon that is taking place.

One percent of thepeople in any country can herald the dawn of a new age for 
the wholenation by devoting only fifteen minutes of their time twice a day.

It is in the hands of afew individuals in every country today to change the 
direction oftime and guide the destiny of their nation for all 
harmony,happiness, and progress.

It is my joy to inviteeveryone to come in the light of the knowledge and 
experience thatthe Science of Creative Intelligence provides and enjoy 
participatingin this global awakening to herald the Age of Enlightenment.


12 January 1975


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