That's what I'm talking about!

 We moved up here to take car of Dad who has COPD and I've been observing 
animals and other creatures who live in the back yard out by the lake. Just 
today I witnessed a hummingbird attack another over access to the bird feeder. 

 Yesterday a road runner was chased off by swallows. Then, just now a jack 
rabbit ran away from a barking dog. It's been raining here all morning and 
hundreds of birds are pecking at the ground terrorizing all kinds of insects. 

 It's a war zone out there! 

 We've got to do something to protect ourselves. I'm thinking about erecting a 
screened-in back porch so they can't get in. That way, I could at least get 
down on my hands and knees and pray to the gods for protection without some 
pesky Zika mosquito biting my ass.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Mars is now in a very close conjunction with Saturn.  This time period is not 
good for peace and harmony as seen by the animals in the news.  ISIS may be on 
the verge of launching an attack on innocent civilians anywhere in the world.

 ‘Protective’ Cat Launches Vicious Attack On Group Of Seven Pit Bulls
 ‘Protective’ Cat Launches Vicious Attack On Group O...
 An elderly cat launched a vicious attack on a gang of seven pit bulls as they 
walked past it. It is thought that Baby, described as “very protective” of 

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