Sure it is - The USC/LA Times "Poll" uses a subjective methodology based in 
part on people self-reporting how they voted in the last election. True, it 
isn't fake in that actual respondents are used, but the manipulation of the 
data makes it worthless. I agree with HuffPo.

Right, Trump had a few blips where he polled in positive territory against 
Hillary, but it is statistically insignificant. She has nearly twice the margin 
that Obama had over Romney, heading for a landslide in November.
---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Throw out the fake USC/LA Times "Poll" and her lead jumps to 6.8 points.

 Well, it isn't a "fake" poll, just a different methodology. HuffPo doesn't 
include it in their averages, but RCP does (that's the 5.5 spread as of today). 
Here, HuffPo's pollster explains why he doesn't use it and what it might tell 


 The point is, though, that 5.5 is fine, not a problem; nobody needs to be in 
"a state of shock." Willytex just wanted to scare the Hillary supporters here 
who are ignorant about polls. Pure trollish malice.

 Kind of funny that Trump still thinks he is in the race, and yet has NEVER 
surpassed Hillary in the polls.

 He did surpass her in several polls (including CNN/ORC) right after the 
Republican Convention, but it didn't last.



  Even  throwing the kitchen sink at her, The Donald just can't seem to 
overcome his utter lack of brains and experience, and a disaster of a campaign 
- When will Campaign Manager Number Four be announced?  A lot of magical 
thinking going on in his camp, however REALITY happens on November 8th, when 
Clinton is elected to her first term as president.
---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 The Clinton campaign must be in a state of shock today.

 You mean, because she's up by 5.5? (snicker)


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