There's not much to talk about anymore around here except the U.S. election. We 
don't even have Barry anymore to bounce off of and poke fun at. 

 Nobody replied to my post about yoga asanas or Guru Dev's mudras. I must have 
posted 10,000 on-topic messages to this group over a couple of decades without 
a response. Face it, nobody wants to talk about the TM technique anymore. 

 We've got what, all of five regular informants on the list. From what I can 
tell, you and I are the only True Believers left on the forum and obviously the 
others think we're boring. Go figure.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In, <> wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?


 It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the work and gain all the experience, while they sit back 
and complain, and toss out lies about their opposition. It is not a winning 
strategy, but it is all they have.
---In, <> wrote :

 If only Garrison Keillor's radio show was as funny as his opinion commentary 
in the Chicago Tribune! 

 Speaking of Chicago, why is it that most large cities run by Democrats are 
such cesspools of crime and corruption? How long has it been since Chicago had 
a Republican mayor? Go figure.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 For all of you who have a brain and a smidgeon of discrimination read it and 



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In, <> wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?


 It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the work and gain all the experience, while they sit back 
and complain, and toss out lies about their opposition. It is not a winning 
strategy, but it is all they have.
---In, <> wrote :

 If only Garrison Keillor's radio show was as funny as his opinion commentary 
in the Chicago Tribune! 

 Speaking of Chicago, why is it that most large cities run by Democrats are 
such cesspools of crime and corruption? How long has it been since Chicago had 
a Republican mayor? Go figure.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 For all of you who have a brain and a smidgeon of discrimination read it and 


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