According to Måns Broo's* Joogan [yaw-gun] filosofia (Philosophy of yoga) for 
instance these concepts in YS are of Buddhist origin:

 prajñaa, Rtambharaa, klesha, aashaya, nirodha, dharma, lakSaNa, dharmamegha, 


 * ~ /mawns brew/; å is so called Swedish o, pronounced probably always
 approx. as aw in law.


 Måns BrooMåns began his yogic path in his late teens, when he joined the Hare 
Krishnas and lived in an ashrama, devoting himself fully to the path of 
bhakti-yoga. After about a year he moved back into the world, trying to apply 
the teachings he learned in the ashrama, and also delving more deeply into the 
teachings of the tradition of Krishna-bhakti. These studies eventually led to a 
Ph.D. in Comparative Religion from Åbo Akademi University, Finland, where he 
works as adjunct professor. Måns has also studied Sanskrit at Uppsala 
University, Sweden, and (together with Martin Gansten) published a critically 
acclaimed first ever complete translation of the principal Upanishads into 
Swedish. He has recently published an introduction to the Hindu scriptures in 
Swedish and a book of religious poetry in Sanskrit. He is also the 
editor-in-chief of a Finnish yoga-magazine Ananda and teaches and writes about 
yoga philosophy.


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