
 See my comments are shown in green below:
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 On the recent string about the Messiah, I can't find much (if any) evidence 
that the Coming of the Messiah (either having come a first time, or not 
yet)...has anything to do with the Unified Field; if by that you mean Purusha 
and It's realization. 

 1.  When Jesus was presented to Pontius Pilate before being crucified, Pilate 
asked: are you a king?

 Jesus responded yes, but said that his kingdom if not of this earth.  IMO, 
this means that his kingdom is in the spirit.  IOW, he meant consciousness or 
the Unified Field, as we know it today.





 Recently, Hagelin and King Tony - perhaps to cover all bases - have also 
included subtle energy fields. OK - fine, maybe that inclusion was forced 
because MMY wanted to initially appeal to physicists, who deal in actual 
"fields".  But such all-inclusive definitions turned out not to be productive 
to the world physics, since physicists outside of the TMO aren't flocking to 
the notion that Purusa has anything to do with natural laws.  This is not to 
say that It may not play a role, but just that scientific experimentation 
hasn't detected it yet.
    In any event, the OT is all about Atonement and morals.  The NT is all 
about Substitutionary Atonement and morals. More specifically, in the First 
Temple lambs were offered up as sacrifices every day of the year..
 Christians then merge Isaiah chapter 53 with their notion of "Messiah, the 
Lamb  of God, the "Taleh Elohim"
 and claim that Jesus as the Lamb of God is thus the Messiah (along with other 
lines of evidence).
   Rabbi Cahn quotes his "teacher" (a fictitious literary device conjured up 
for instructional  purposes): as saying "It was all about the Lamb from the 
beginning, the answer was always linked to the Lamb".
 Then Cahn goes on to explain the symbolism of lambs:
 He says "There will be One who is entirely pure, innocent, without blemish, 
without evil...and this One will give His life to save those who are not 
innocent. [in other words, the OT sacrificial lambs had to be pure and without 
blemish, likewise the NT Lamb (Jesus) is likewise pure and without blemish.  
Then Cahn makes a leap to further conclusions: "The mystery of the lamb is God. 
 The mystery is that God will give His life to save us. For God is love.  And 
the nature of love is to give of itself. The Taleh, the Lamb....is God".   
(entry #16 in Cahn's "The Book of Mysteries".
 Cahn then concludes each entry with a lesson with suitable accompanying 
Scriptural Quotes.  He says "Today, live in the spirit of the Lamb.  Let 
everything you do be done in love.  And live to make your life a blessing to 
 My conclusion: Again, the OT Hebrew Scriptures are mostly about Atonement and 
morals.  The Greek NT is about Substitutionary Atonement (Jesus as the 
Sacrificial Lamb of God) and morals; and I can find little evidence of a 
message oriented toward Purusha (the Self - considered as import by the 
 Obviously, the Unified Field is about (as MMY points out in SBAL): a. Absolute 
existence, and b. relative existence....then MMY goes on to present another 
important concept c. that the relative and Absolute are inseparable.
 In contrast, the Bible (imo) appeals to be distinctly dualistic: Heaven vs 
earth and Hell, good vs evil, moral behavior, etc; and (my conclusion) Teilhard 
de Chardin's notion of the Omega man

 2. The Omega Man can refer to human beings who attain Unity Consciousness.  
The evolution that Teilhard de Chardin wrote about is not necessarily a 
physical evolution.  But it can be an evolution of consciousness.

 At Unity Consciousness, human beings can experience the Rapture when Jesus 
appears in their consciousness, or when Unity Consciousness is attained by 
anyone who is not affiliated with any church denomination.  So, Jesus does not 
have to appear in the clouds with angels blowing their trumpets when he returns 
to earth.

 The new sons and daughters of God will be those who have attained Unity 
Consciousness and they will inherit the coming of heaven on earth and the new 
Jerusalem, material prosperity here on earth, as prophesied in the Book of 



 is something he probably borrowed from Hindu and Buddhist ideas coupled with 
his own interior Gnosis of the Omega (the Absolute Self).  The notion that the 
Bible is chiefly about de Charcin's "Omega" is a big stretch.  Besides, de 
Chardin's definition of Omega is not at all related to the Biblical statement. 


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