Dr. Leonard Susskind says yes.  From the video class he presented, he was 
assuming that the universe will expand forever at an ever increasing speed.  At 
a certain point in time, the edge of the universe will eventually reach the 
speed of light.  At that point, that part of the universe becomes separated 
from us.  So, at the edge of the universe,  there remains a thin film of the 
part that is still in our universe.  Hence, Susskind concludes that the 
universe is a hologram based on the thin film at the edge of the universe.

 At the edge of the universe, based on the principle of relativity, everything 
stops because they're almost at the speed of light.  So, everything can be 
compared to a photograph taken at a cut in time.  IMO, this point would be 
similar to a scene in a dream.  The scenes in our dream really don't move.  
They are like photographs frozen in time.  We're assuming that they're moving 
because we assume they're moving like the scenes we see in the ordinary waking 

 Is The Universe A Hologram? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNgIl-qIklU
 Is The Universe A Hologram? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNgIl-qIklU 
According to Leonard Susskind ("Bad Boy of Physics"), our reality is much 
stranger than it appears to be and life, the universe, EVERYTHING, might just 
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNgIl-qIklU 
 Preview by Yahoo 

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