Thanks, quite simply there needs to be an understanding given for those who 
cannot swallow the whole package of the old school dogma because of their own 
spiritual make-up, an avenue that brings to them this simple healing power 
through TM and yet allows their spirit to be free to follow the degree of 
living Truth within which they have released, and yet not have to feel tied 
down to any particular philosophical or theoretical add-on associated with TM. 
 Not that there is not great value in theoretical aspects of the 
Self-realisation side of Vedic philosophy. However, in my opinion, certain 
other aspects which may be considered essential truth and inseparable from TM 
by those holding the reins of power in promoting TM, are not acceptable by some 
because for them there is a greater Truth, and for others they know within that 
there is a greater Truth but they just haven't found it yet.

---In, <mikemail4you@...> wrote :



 Jamaica Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education – 
 Board of Directors and Key Participants Karen Ayee, Jamaican American, Board 
of Directors, JFCBE, Practitioner, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, 
JFCBE Director of Communications, Co Founder of the Holy Trinity Quiet Time 
 Dr. Billie Jean Billman, American, Board of Directors JFCBE, Certified Teacher 
of the TM Program 40 years, co-founder of the Holy Trinity Project
 Margaret Brissett-Bolt, Principal, Holy Trinity High School, Board of 
Directors JFCBE, Leading Jamaican Educator and Administrator, Former Official 
of the Ministry of Education, Jamaica 
 Leopold Campbell, M.D. Jamaican American, Board of Directors JFCBE, Practicing 
Physician and Certified Teacher of the TM Program ...

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