Observe though that some lost battles in life are not necessarily the war.. 
Press on, oh solders!  In life!  

 Thy soul, be on thy guard;
 Ten thousand foes arise;
 The hosts of sin are pressing hard
 To draw thee from the skies.
 Oh watch, and fight and pray;
 The battle ne’er give o’er;
 Renew it boldly ev’ry day,
 And help divine implore.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Yep, fair observations of the dynamics of the evolutionary timeline in 
 And then add the practical role of 'collective meditation' within 
transcendentalism as meditationist practice .
 This becomes [the practical role of 'collective meditation' within 
transcendentalism as meditationist practice .] MMY’s great legacy along the 
line with George Fox. Not only an individual transcendent experience is 
compelling in transcendental meditationism but now by virtue of MMY’s 
articulation is the evident body of science of collective practice of 
meditation compelling.  
 This development of natural sciences correlating with transcendentalism in the 
postmodern times possibly could drive fanatic religionists and some apostates 
like we’ve seen here crazy.  

 An irony is the wide-spread taking of transcendent meditationism now into both 
Protestant and Papel churches via teaching the Centering Prayer program as an 
ordained / okay meditation practice in a trend reaction to or with the 
demographic movement of the ‘spiritual but not religious’ movement away from 
church religion.
 ..Change happens within.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 (i.e. the popularity contest between interior experience leading to 
"transcendence" vs revelation through the Bible based on a Salvation by Grace, 
through Faith (and obviously dogmatic belief systems).
 To name a few reasons:
 Apart from pioneers like George Fox and the 19-th century Transcendentalists, 
 the odds were stacked against the Transcendentalists going way back to the 2nd 
century leading to the 4-th century when Catholocism was merged with the 
military and political might of the waning Roman Empire.
 In addition, looking at the so-called Enlightenment era, we such geniuses as :
 1. Francis Bacon, 1561 - 1626
 2. Galileo 1564 -  1642

 And then we have the most important Transcendentalist, George Fox, 1624 - 
1691, but then.....

 3. Isaac Newton, 1642 - 1726
 4. Ben Franklin, 1706 - 1790
 [add Swedenborg too]

 and keeping score with pure genius power and influence, the Rationalistic 
trend started by Bacon (he was on the King James commission to translate the 
Bible)., but is regarded as the founder of what later became the "modern" 
scientific method) combined with the "star power" of other geniuses like 
Galileo, Newton, and Franklin; led to the ascendency of the Deist Movement 
which was largely rationalist, but didn't  comprehend pure Transcendentalism., 
it appears. (if you look at Newton's writings, one can see the influence of his 
(imo) probable appreciation of Purusha, but he also took pains to cover up any 
language alluding to anything that might be considered heretical to the 
Anglican teachings.heretiabsorbtion 

 By the time of people like Emerson and Thoreau., though the writings of these 
literary giants are clearly expressive of the Transcendent as to language, by 
the time of the early 19-th century, the roots of modern Evangelical 
Christianity had already taken place, planted by John Wesley (1723 - 1791), his 
Brother, and George Whitefield.
 Due to the influence of the Wesley Brothers and Whitefield (the founders of 
Methodism), any sparks of Transcendentalism that might have generated a true 
Movement were completely overshadowed in the 19-th century.  What developed 
into modern Evangelical Christianity can be traced to the early 20-th century
 . Within a few years, a new revolution in science begun by Planck and Einstein 
lead to the unfortunate divergence we see today - a complete separation between 
science as a whole and most of Christianity.; not withstanding the feeble 
attempt by the Papacy to reconcile scientific discoveries with his version of 
Christian dogma.
 To conclude, George Fox and the other few Transcendentalists [Elias Hicks, 
Thomas Paine too] not in the grip of the Church were simply overpowered by the 
main trending lines of rationalism, and scientific materialism.
 Although Galileo, Bacon, and Newton might have been secret Transcendentalists, 
they preferred not to share their experiences.  Either that or they simply 
failed to believe that one need not adhere to any belief system at all to be a 
 At least Spinoza stood up boldly for writing about his experiences with the 
Transcendent (using his own vocabulary which I've forgotten).
 As to George Fox.....simply outgunned by some intellectual giants of his era.  
The growing Methodist Movement in the U.S. resulted in the virtual extinction 
of the Transcendentalists as a group Movement..
 John Wesley - Wikipedia 
 John Wesley - Wikipedia 
 John Wesley (/ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛsli/ or /ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛzli/;[1] 28 June [O.S. 17 June] 1703 
– 2 March 1791) was an Anglican cleric and theologian who, with his brother 

 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

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