In town Meditators have tended to buy East facing or 'remediated' homes and pay 
a premium.  The Jefferson County assessor sees this and assesses equivalent 
east facing homes at higher values than other homes. 
 When walking the north-south neighborhood streets in Fairfield you can see the 
East facing old neighborhood  homes tend to be owner occupied, nicer kept homes 
than the West facing homes that more likely are rentals. 

 Out in some county subdivisions or up on campus are the more pure ‘perfect’ 
vastu homes.  

---In, <> wrote :

 His home is in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa (MVC). It is a modest ranch like 
house or bungalow tucked nicely into the landscape.  It is not triumphal 
ostentatious at all like some of the homes are. By MVC City Code all homes out 
there must be designed to certified standard of what we call 'MSV' around here.

 Every building is designed according to Maharishi Sthapatya VedaSM design, to 
promote health, happiness, and good fortune. Each building faces east and has a 
central silent space called a Brahmasthan and a golden roof ornament called a 

---In, <> wrote :



 Does John Hagelin live in Fairfiled, IA?  If yes, does he live in a vastu home?


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Up on campus there is a street named, Heavenly Lane. A number of important 
movement and wealthy people early built ‘perfect vastu’ homes there on Heavenly 
Lane.  The joke is, “They don’t call it ‘Heavenly Lane’ without reason..”, as 
some number of those people came to pretty quickly die off or have personal 
calamity living in their perfect vastu. 
 There is a litany of communal story around people and businesses going 
bankrupt or personally dissolving in building their perfect vastu.  ..  
‘fortune creating’ poverty,  in seeds of 'fear-creating' at the time didn’t he 
really say,  “..Run from your vastu house as if it is on fire”. 
 An authority, on this TM communal angst about vastu, comments that the problem 
they have is that the part of vastu they use is ‘temple vastu’, for temple 
construction.  These buildings are not meant to live and work in. Temple vastu 
brings other forces into play (activates) that are not necessarily or 
inherently protective from life’s adversity.  The assertions of temple vastu 
are not necessarily for living, they are for temples. That possibly explains 
some of what is anecdotal in the community about vastu.. run as if your house 
is on fire!    

 Um... I was being snarky. Petra was very ill for two and half years and died 
in May, at age 54. And, living in vastu hasn't prevented me from having my own 
chronic health issues. Bottom line: no one gets out of here alive.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 That's nice to hear. I like to live in a vastu home, but here in SF, there is 
none.  My house though is facing the east direction.  So, it's the best 
available that I can get in this city.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Good link. Very clear. It is stunning to think of the housing stock that 
‘Vastu’ built here in Fairfield, Iowa and on campus the last few years that are 
built only to standards of energy efficiency of the last century. 


emily.mae50 writes: This is an interesting site:

---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 It isn't.  Another con.  

---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 Our original house was generic vastu, and when we added on, we rectified it 
according to MMY-SV. Petra and I are both enjoying perfect health and 
immortality, and we owe it all to this house.
WRT solar efficiency, it has always bothered me that the emphasis is completely 
focused on gathering vibrational woo from the east, even if it means the 
structure will bake to a crisp in summer and gather no solar heat at all in 
winter. How is that considered in tune with Nature?

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :



 Do you stay in a vastu home?  If yes, has it been beneficial for your family 
and yourself?
<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Iowa gets temperature extremes in both directions. In early 20th Century 
Fairfield, Iowa homes were being built in the Prairie style with roof lines and 
eves that were scaled to let winter sunshine into homes and then keep summer 
sunshine out.  
 Design accounting for solar orientation seemed to go away with newer 
mechanical heating and cooling in new home building after WWII.. in the ranch 
home etc.   Efficiency in energy design came back with tightened energy 
supplies in the 1970's.   In the 1980's a number of homes built by meditators 
were efficient super insulated and solar, in the direction of the zero-net 
design today. 
 Sthapatya ved house design in Fairfield of the 2000’s seemed mostly to throw 
solar orientation efficiency to the wind. There is a subdivision of 40 homes 
going up in Fairfield that is SV design.  Curious to see if they have zero-net 
features.  Design without optimizing energy efficiency is such old design.   

 California homes aren't built for long term low temps but more for staying 
cool in summer. 


<noozguru@...> wrote :

 I've seen different house solar heating units. Which one are you talking 
about?  I would think for most days those would work here.  Most I looked at 
were DIY and were more work than I wanted to do.  I have the heating running at 
62 degrees and boost it if it rains to keep dampness down.  At nights in the 
living room I use a space heater.
 On 01/26/2017 01:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


 I'm using a portable heater and mostly stay in one room where my computer is 
kept and where I'm posting this message right now.  But I'm estimating my 
heating cost to be high for this month.  I'm thinking of getting those solar 
panels to get power from the sun for heating.  Do you think this is cost 
effective here in the Bay Area?

<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 Can't wait to see my PG&E bill for this month.  Actually I can wait.  And I 
keep the house at 62 degrees most of the time.  California homes aren't built 
for long term low temps but more for staying cool in summer.  That's when they 
are concerned about electrical consumption.  And the cities around here are 
considering starting their own municipal utilities and dumping PG&E which now 
has a criminal felony conviction.
 On 01/26/2017 10:52 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Thanks.  It must be really cold over there right now.  It's 54 degrees over 
here in SF and sunny.  But it's cold for me.
<hepa7@...> mailto:hepa7@... wrote :

 Yes, I do live in Tampere. 





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