 True, effort can creep into TM and a checking can resolve that. But my sense 
about why some quit the practice, particularly those who left with an 
inordinately negative view of TM, is that many who begin TM as a panacea, or 
even just to gain deeper rest, aren't prepared for what 'stress release' means, 
and how it works.

 A: Make a discipline initially to be regular in the practice for some period.  
Then you’ll see better.  It is something you have to do, with some intent.  

 New Meditators ask:

 Q: What can be done to more quickly develop this state of wakefulness, 
consciousness or presence?

---In, <> wrote :

 FF Coffee Haus meditator satsang response:

 A: In the yoga of the subtle energy the ‘system’ has to be addressed.  Stellar 
experience gets stabilized because the condition of the subtle system comes to 
be grounded. Sidhis can expand consciousness but pull it up out of the hardware 
into the mental fields.  Have to clear the capacity of the computer to handle 
the software.  ..Feel the implication of the system to remain more grounded and 
not go ephemeral to navigate in healthy productive ways.  

---In, <> wrote :

 More input from FF Satsang..


 In these modern times it (spiritual progress) is arduous to attend to.  One 
meditation could open you up but that is not normal.  Spiritual progress 
requires a perseverance, that has to become a value that is taught. 


---In, <> wrote :

 Develop a ‘spiritual kit’.  
Develop a kit with things in it that help your clarity. Tools of exercise, 
food, schedule, healthy activities and relationships. Tools that work for you 
might be adjunct spiritual modalities that are helpful, breathing, Qi gong, 
yoga, etc.. Use your discernment as to what is helpful.  

---In, <> wrote :

 A: Make time for it and do it. Ditto the comment on clarity mentioned below.

---In, <> wrote :

 Sharing this question around to meditators (FF Coffee Haus satsang..) who are 
more veteran with practice.. 

 A:   And meditate more, longer. Sit with it regularly and longer more. As you 
get better at it,
as you get familiar with it, increase the time you meditate.

---In, <> wrote :

 And,  Clarity is power, protect your clarity with things that preserve clarity 
and avoid the things which do not. 







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