Atheists AronRa and Matt Dillahunty take on a caller questioning Matt's 
statement that adherence to reality is an asset when making decisions relating 
to well being.  The process involves correct knowledge preferably based on 
testable assertions
 Other segments carry the Theist arguments to an extreme.  Their arguments go 
like this:
 1. Atheists make a claim that moral values have evolved over time, and are 
thus not absolute.
 2. Theists reply that since moral values without God are subject to change, 
one needs an absolute basis for judgment coming for am All-Knowing, All-Loving 
Creator who is the Lawgiver and Source of Absolute morals.
 3. Atheists reply that a. the existence of the Creator-God is questionable 
since there's no direct evidence,
 .........b. the problem of evil (especially the questions raised by Epicurus).
 ........ c. the question of which God is "true" one
 .........d. the Bible-based statements demonstrating that the Judaeo-Christian 
condoned slavery and 
 .............actually sanctioned it (Cf. Exodus 21), and also condoned and 
promoted stoning for a variety of 
 .............offences such as adultery, working on the Sabbath, and for unruly 
 Can the debate be applied to TM? Yes, at least the TMO has tried to make the 
connection between the practice of TM and one's well-being.  Parameters such as 
blood pressure and brain waves are the low-hanging fruit and haven't countered 
the effect of control  techniques such as Mindfulness.
 Ironically, advances connecting meditation to morals have been made outside 
the TM Movement by people like Sam Harris; and a stronger case is made when 
introducing the evidence relating to the Polyvagal nervous system.  Finally, 
the TMO needs a stronger connection to Compassion, not merely a few lip-service 
statements by MMY. A 3 min video.


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