On 03/14/2017 05:32 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We're now in the era of the Brave New World, as Huxley envisioned many years ago. Supposedly, the keen thinkers will be valued more than those who specialize in physical labor since the machines will start taking over most of the jobs in the world. But IMO world governments will have to keep some people in some form of labor intensive work along with machines to make the people occupied and satisfied in their lives.

Uh no, it's supposed to be going the other way: more leisure time.
But there will be others who can specialize in the other facets of life such as teachers, doctors, musicians, farmers and more likely farmhands from Mexico, or immigrants and refugees coming in to this country.

But there will be some Americans who would waste their time in drugs and psychedelic drugs.

And why do people do this? They are looking for an alternative experience. Some to escape pain or others just to have a wild mental experience. Some of these people need to learn why they do it and why they don't need drugs.

and there's an opportunity for others to find themselves in meditation and enlightenment to discover how Nature operates in peace and peak efficiency and bliss. In other words, there's an opportunity to realize heaven here on earth.

Yeah, it's really heaven right now isn't it? :-D

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

We don't need any trillionaires. For that matter we don't need any billionaires. The economy is totally screwed up and lopsided. This must change soon!

    On 03/14/2017 02:11 PM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Cuban also said that in the future philosophy majors will be more rewarding than programmers or CPAs.


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